When does a person who rides a bike become cyclist?

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Senior Member
I go through at least three pairs of glasses a year so I'm afraid that I wont spend more than a fiver on a pair. My clear and orange glasses are safety glasses that are identical to the ones that we use at work.

As for the OP's question, anyone who rides a bike is a cyclist.


Nr Cambridge
It's an attitude thing in my book & it's a subtle but significant difference; You become a cyclist when you treat it as distinct form of transport rather than an easier alternative to walking/running (aka a POB).


Velo, boulot, dodo
I think it's that a POAB can ride with no problem on lumpy, shiny pavement-ice whereas a cyclist invariably falls off at the first sign of frost.


New Member
East Sussex
Interesting thread. I ride a Thorn Sherpa both as a form of transport and for the pleasure of so doing, and a Christiania for carrying anything which won't comfortably go in two panniers. The lady wife also has a Sherpa and a Dawes. We do run a car, but the plan is to sell it in the Autumn and thereafter rely on the bikes, the trike and public transport.

I don't wear a helmet, I don't wear Lycra, and I don't consider myself to be a Cyclist. I'm quite happy being a boring old fart who rides a bike :becool:


Cycling in the sun
For me it is an attitude thing - though hard to define, doesn't matter what the bike is, or whether they are experienced or not ... but a lack of respect for the bike and the general rules of society.... (I don't think I'm explaining it very well).


Smutmaster General
For me, I became a cyclist when I started taking pleasure from going out for a ride in the pouring rain, going for a 25 miler at 11pm, and riding 17 miles to work. Not all at the same time, obv.


A cyclist is someone that does it properly

A person on a bike is someone that goes up the inside of buses, jumps red lights (unsafely*), rides on the pavement or just generally gives cyclists a bad name

*I'd call a safe rlj, one at a pedestrian crossing with no peds about, or one where the traffic had cleared the junction, the traffic lights are on red and there's a major pause before the lights change.
A cyclist is someone that does it properly

A person on a bike is someone that goes up the inside of buses, jumps red lights (unsafely*), rides on the pavement or just generally gives cyclists a bad name

*I'd call a safe rlj, one at a pedestrian crossing with no peds about, or one where the traffic had cleared the junction, the traffic lights are on red and there's a major pause before the lights change.
That presumably applies to 4x4 drivers too?


New Member
I was pondering this while I was out earlier. I think it's quite easy to spot most cyclists or POB, but not to define. Granted the term "cyclist" technically means anyone on a cycle, but it connotes much more.

I think I saw a good mix. I'd say the girl in wellies was most probably a POB, as was the hoodied-up teenager. I reckon bikes that make me go "oooh" are probably ridden by cyclists!!

I reckon it's a continuum with POB at one end and cyclist at the other. As to where I am.... budding cyclist I hope.


Well-Known Member
when you switch ur p.c. on if cyclechat is the second site you check out after your emails

then your hooked my son
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