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Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
FatBloke said:
London has an excellent drainage system called the Thames! The city will only ever flood from water coming upstream, not down!

The Thames is tidal through London, so don't bet on it:evil:

yenrod said:
..the Thames breaks its banks you watch the Government start something proper ! re: aid, recovery, investment....

You watch...

'Cause outside of London NOTHING exists...........

If London floods, then outwith will be dry land! Do we really need London? Well we have our own Government here, the city, Edinburgh is home to the sixth largest bank in the world and we have a thriving finance and insurance sector, increasing numbers of direct flights from the airports. The only problem is the tourist, if London floods even more of them will come here....


Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
Admin said:
Ah, but if t'internet backbone gets wet we'll all be up creak weout a paddl' :biggrin:

Saying that, it might encourage us to get out on t'bike an'all :biggrin:

The whole point of the internet is that if one node is knocked out, traffic is just routed round it...

Elmer Fudd

Miserable Old Bar Steward
The Thames barriers will save all the cockernies,
Hang on.
They're facing the wrong way.
Never mind, I got tuppence (tuppence a bag) to feed the birds, or 18 cockernies for a year. When you hit land, after your swim, come oop north (it's past watford, hopefully most will turn right at sarfsea) and start to associate with real people. Might be a big eye opener for you.

P.S. Anyone want to buy a house ?

I got three of 'em, on a hill ! ( see I aint a thick southern softee after all !!)

Elmer Fudd

Miserable Old Bar Steward
Big Bren said:
I imagine that londoners could collect all the flood water in their discarded skinny moccafrappalatte cups, thus diverting any genuine crisis.

They could then spend some extra time telling us how bladdy great it is to live in such a vibrant, exciting city, whilst simultaneously being unable to afford to participate in any of the vibrancy or excitement due to paying a million pounds for a flat that has less floor space than their mums back bedroom.

Please continue to be smug and self-satisfied about the North - it's absolutely justified!


Totally Agree Bren! Can't wait for london to sink, won't take gordon Mcbrown long to get there then !


Anyone with a brain stays WELL away from London its TOO bleedin fla' (from a cyclist p.o.v.) and there are many fackin' peepow tow' :biggrin:

Come up North everyone before its too late - if it aint already...
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