When a good thing is also a bad thing, but not as bad as the good thing

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Maizie said:
You could put it up there in an only human-readable format, so it's not 'harvestable'. So you could write it on your flickr site as something like:

melvil (at) yahoo (dot) co (dot) uk (please remove spaces and replace the bits in brackets with symbols)

Which should be enough to prevent the automated spam.

Good point


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
PaulB said:
Me and my son were recently pictured on the back page of a football magazine during the Merseyside derby but the mag has completely sold out and though I've been told by loads of people we're in it (for which we are pleased), we may as well not have been as we haven't seen it. Is that one of they there thingys you were on about?

Can't you contact the magazine and see if they have a copy, or a copy of the picture? I suppose it depends how big/helpful a publisher it is. Local papers usually have a service by which you can order copies of photos.
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