Words into mouths... I think the stick man syndrome has already been pointed out.
Jowwy, you know very well that I didn't hate it, I just didn't feel it, but I went back and revised my thinking weighing up all the factors, and I made the right decision. I haven't been through every second of the five days of soul/mind-searching I went through before changing my order, frankly it would have been quite dull for everyone. One of the factors was an observation of yours in a separate thread that you had never relied on a test ride and had never had a problem picking a bike on spec. See, I am capable of taking on other viewpoints or perspective, whether that is an empirical observation about testing or a mathematical observation about wheel dynamics. Unlike you, I listen when someone has something pertinent to say and I don't resort to name calling as a first line of response. Yet again you refuse to respond with any meaningful content whatsoever, instead making the sort of thick, coarse, bloated, guffawing and wildly inaccurate joke we have come to expect.
Bpsmith, a cursory trawl of the forum will reveal to you my numerous photos of all my bikes so you should have no trouble discerning what I ride. Three of them are also listed on my profile page. Notwithstanding that it is completely irrelevant to the debate unless YOU want the debate to become whether or not Citius (et al) is a hypocrite (supposedly) or practises what he preaches. For one thing that is a transparent and intimidating attempt to deflect the point of discussion away from what you haven't managed to refute and onto personal grounds. For another, whilst I wouldn't speak for anyone else I think you'll find my line of thought on all this is (still): "buy what you want and it doesn't need to be justified if it makes you happy, but don't expect everyone to agree if you trot out a load of unsubstantiated bollox about how it is technically better". (I have made brief forays into the non-quantifiable-but-equally-valid theory of benefit and the value of things.)
The most amusing thing for me about all these threads as a non-scientist is I work with all these scientific peeps and therefore the herd is basically science-driven, whereas in this set of debates the herd is basically bullshit-driven. If this went on in my workplace it would be the majority group of scientists standing round people like you two pelting you with derisive laughter and flinging pieces of dried poo onto your faces, mocking your inability to stick to a subject or argue a point. In effect this is what Citius, YS, and some others among us are doing now - it's just we're not in the majority.