Is that the thing organised by Mark Kejov ... Kalowskit ..oh you know, the Canadian that did a talk at the AUK Reunion in November?!
Looks really fun!
Mark Kowalski was the organiser.
Chatted with Mark at several points on the route; even sharing biscuits and beers at 5am! He said 150 registered, and 130 actually turned up. That's an amazing turnout, but his event just keeps growing. He had 7 riders for his first public edition in 2022; and only 40ish last year.
And rightly so, it was an AWESOME night out. Probably would be challenging if colder or wet, but this worked out perfectly. Highly recommended.
My fears of a poor route, blighted by traffic, were completely unfounded. This was a masterclass of curating a mixture of riverside paths, canal towpaths, deserted residential streets, and even a fairly tough section of abandoned railway track.
Amazing; well recommended.
And my first ride of the year in shorts!