What's your next Audax?

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I'm glad you mentioned UTMB ...
I once listened to an hour+ ultra-running podcast (Tor-Cultra is how the presenter titles it), they mentioned UTMB and TDS a million times, never explaining what on earth these events actually were.

Now click on your link and see how quickly you can find what "UTMB" stands for. Then work down the list on the


Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull

Urban Tour Manchester and Bolton

Ajax Bay

East Devon
Four sides of a Rough Diamond for me, weekend after next, to get the 300 done (airmail 200 last month).
I reserve the right to wimp out if it stays this cold: once bitten, twice frostshy.

Ian H

Ancient randonneur
Four sides of a Rough Diamond for me, weekend after next, to get the 300 done (airmail 200 last month).
I reserve the right to wimp out if it stays this cold: once bitten, twice frostshy.
View attachment 680734

I have entered. See you there (frost permitting).
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