- Location
- On the banks of the Exe
bonj said:yeah but the olympics has been going on since greek times!
All the sports in it are originally derived from warfare, and not just any warfare - largely invading an opponent's castle. Running etc., obvious need for speed on foot before tanks were invented.
Pole vault - easy, that would be to get over the castle wall. Triple jump? That derives from the need to clear the moat. Discuss, Shot put, hammer - they were all used as forms of attack on the castle in ancient times.
All these modern arty ones like gymnastics, synchronised swimming etc that are judged rather than longest/furthest/quickest have basically just been put in within the last 50 years or so in order to make it more appealing to women.

OK. The original Greek Olympics ended a very long time ago (393AD). There was a gap of nearly 1500 years. In the late 19th C a nice man called Baron de Coubertin decided to re-create them. These are the modern Olympics and have always featured cycling.
The original Olympics mainly featured athletic events. Other events included
Hammer and shot put are conspicuous by their absence...Over the years, more events were added: boxing (pygme/pygmachia), wrestling (pale), pankration (regulated full-contact fighting, similar to today's mixed martial arts), chariot racing, several other running events (the diaulos, hippios, dolichos, and hoplitodromos), as well as a pentathlon, consisting of wrestling, stadion, long jump, javelin throw and discus throw (the latter three were not separate events).
As for events deriving from the need to assault castles, well I'll leave discussions about castle design and the absence of castles from the Greek scenery to someone else.