What's your daily job?

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itboffin I struggle to think of a job in and around IT I haven’t done


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
I have a friend who mucks about with graphene in a similar vein.

I went to look at it all happening in the lab.

There were like loads of lasers, being shone through stuff, an everything :rolleyes:

None the wiser as to what was going on really but it was quite exciting to see :becool:
We're nothing as cool as that I'm afraid, just a fairly ordinary little clinical lab.
67, but don't consider myself retired. For 12 years until NYE 2018, I was bassist in a very successful local rock band. Before that, I also worked in a monkey sanctuary, and a guitar shop. Electronics tech until 2003, in civvy street, the RAF, and in Saudi Arabia. Pharmaceutical dispenser before that.
Been around a bit...
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How much does it cost to Oldham?
Mass spectrometry and Chromatography service engineer. More Chrom than MS these days, spend a lot more time in the car than I'd like but hey ho. Bills n that.
TBF I couldn't have asked for much more. Been round the world twice scoffed in loads of fancy restaurants met hods and hods of interesting people and never been shot at.

Does for me.


Legendary Member
I cut grass.

Mine needs cutting if you want to pop by, although I appreciate its quite a way from where you are.

To answer the OP, I recently used to, but now no longer, work testing and certifying domestic solid fuel heating appliances and solid fuels. For those of you who have contributed to woodburning stoves or similar threads here and mentioned DEFRA approved stoves, I or my ex-colleagues will very likely have done the approval test work on them.
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Macho Business Donkey Wrestler
I do Corporate Security for a big American company. It's roughly something like a policing role, investigating crime, fraud etc and organising protective security measures for assets and people.

Before that, RAF (for a long time), Police, and I was also Head of Security for a big UK travel firm before my current job.
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