A new case for my (arriving tomorrow, apparantly...) new phone
I dropped my 4S, & smashed the screen, on Saturday
It slipped out of my locker (chest height)
It's been dropped many times, even onto concrete, but this time it hit the ground just right (or rather...... wrongly!)
Therefore, an thicker case, with 'bumpers on the corners, & a scratch-resistant screen protector
I've had it about 7 years (maybe more??), it's a hand-me-down, from daughter, when she got a newer phone back then
I did ask a few friends/collegues if they had an old/spare iPhone, but no-one did that I spoke to
(didn't see many, as I'm on week-off now, back on Saturday)
We presumed that it'd be difficult getting a phone of that age repaired, so wife offered to get me another one, via her contract, so an iPhone SE is arriving
Now I've got to figure out, how to put all my numbers/photographs onto it
(no 'Cloud' membership)

If it looks odd, it's because I wrapped it in the clingfilm that we keep in Resus