Dayvo said:
No surprise to see this kind of post. Especially as it was Greedo's!
It was a perfectly sensible reply. I havn't won anything on the lottery, because I don't play it, and I don't play it because it's dumb! I quote:
"Lotteries have the worse odds against winning than any other type of gambling. This is a significantly worse payout than most casinos, slot machines, office pools, race tracks, and even dishonest bookies.
Lotteries sell the hope of winning huge sums of money at an astronomically high odds against winning. Therefore only people, who do not have much money, are more likely to buy lottery tickets for a better life or to pull themselves out of poverty. Thus, the people who need their hard earned money the most are most likely fooled.
Lotteries take money from people who have the least amount of money and people who least understand their odds of winning, and redistribute the lottery proceeds to pay for public services just like an optional tax for those who can be fooled. Simple put, the lottery is a stupid man’s tax."
The odds of hitting the jackpot in the UK is in fact 1 in 14 million! To put that into perspective:
Odds of Winning lottery: 1 in 14 million
Odds of being killed by falling out of bed: 1 in 2 million
Odds of being killed by lightening: 1 in 2 million
Odds of being killed by freezing: 1 in 3 million
So you're seven-times more likley to die falling out of bed than you are to win the lottery. Or to put it another way, you blink on average ten-million times each year... man this is boring.
But I'm not getting at Gredo. It was a genuine response to the question and genuinly what I think. In fact Gredo's post has inspired me to perhapse post a few questions of my own. Maybe, 'what did you have for your dinner tonight?' ;0)