What's the Maddest Thing That's Ever Happened to You?

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Bicycle: a means of transport between cake-stops
Oh, not entirely selfless: I love driving trucks, and got to avoid a family xmas into the bargain. :-)
Disgruntled Goat

Disgruntled Goat

New Member
Did you use any of the morphine? After my opium camel ride, I can throughly recommend it. Although I suspect it would have been put to better use during amputations.

Me and my mate were going to drive to Berlin when the wall was coming down. Really regret that we never did.


More serious cyclist than Bonj
ChrisKH said:
Talking of canoes Joe, as a teenager we used to canoe past Bradwell Power Station, link up and swap canoes. if anyone fell in whilst walking across the canoe 'raft' you were wet for the day. What I haven't mentioned is that this was adjacent to the power stations cooling outlet pipes where the warm water came out. So you were probably wet and slightly radioactive. Worse still, our school Outdoor Pursuits instructor instigated this practice.

Theres one like that on the canal by in incinerator here. Apparently it sucks cool water in to cool down the generaters and stuff. You can really tell the difference when you get past the out pipe and its a cold day.


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
Joe24 said:
Theres one like that on the canal by in incinerator here. Apparently it sucks cool water in to cool down the generaters and stuff. You can really tell the difference when you get past the out pipe and its a cold day.

Ahh swimming outside Sizewell, feels just like the med :ohmy:


Many many moons ago one lovely summer afternoon a friend and I decided it would be a good idea to visit Hyde Park on LSD. Which went fine till it clouded over and started to rain and we were *not* dressed for it and quickly got very wet, very cold and very very unhappy.

Managed to get a bus back to Shepherd's Bush, before deciding I just couldn't face my parents, but there was nowhere else to go apart from my friend's place in Ealing - 5 miles away. We had no more money for bus fare, but I did have the keys to my mum's Beetle...

When did she replace the gear lever with a parking meter? Why is the engine going to blow up? Why is that bus as big as a mountain and about to fall over onto us?

Much much later, at about 3 in the morning, I drove home right through the heart of Ealing and Acton, with my walkman on loud 'to help calm me down' after many joints had failed completely to overcome the panic attacked tailend of the trip. Only when I went to change down for a red light after three or four miles did I discover I had never changed up, and had done the last three or four miles at about 35 in second.

I suppose some cars can do 35 in second in a reasonably civilised manner. The old-style Beetle is not one of them. Think scrapyard in labour.

Best to stay inconspicuous when you're ripped to the tits, I always find.

Then there was that time I went through the insulation on the hedge-trimmer's cable, looked at the bare copper and thought: I bet that's live. Then without thinking, prodded it with my finger. Now *that's* moronic. I tell you what tho' - not a thing you'd do twice.
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