What's the lowest amount of coinage you'd bend down for?

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Legendary Member
Remember long time ago collecting my car from the body shop and climbing up into their office up a flight of metal steps. They’d epoxied a pond coin onto one step and would laugh when someone tried to pick it.
That's a favourite trick of bored mechanics. Their other favourite wheeze is, if there is a phone kiosk within sight of the premises, to wait until an old biddy is walking past and then call the number - they pretend to be an engineer from BT checking the line, and they have them standing on one leg and waving their arms about to test the reception.


I don't think I've seen money on the floor in ages, if I did I'd pick it up and put it in one of the many RNLI collection 'ships' you see around here, being coastal and all that.
The Scots, even during a bike race!!


Deleted member 26715

I pick any coins up, money is for the pocket not the floor, there is always the thought that it may be superglued down, which was a popular trick at one time, glue 50p in the precinct and sit and watch people try to pick it up.
Remember long time ago collecting my car from the body shop and climbing up into their office up a flight of metal steps. They’d epoxied a pond coin onto one step and would laugh when someone tried to pick it.
Very dodgy outfit, the owner told me he started the business from the proceeds of robberies, mind it was south east London.
Used to be a rep in the motor trade mid 90's I visited a garage & noticed a 10p on the floor, I mentioned it to the owner of the garage who went onto explain it was glued down & they used to watch people trying to pick it up, especially taxi drivers he claimed. They would notice it, then try to see if anybody had noticed them noticing it, they would then slide their foot over it, then bend down to tie their shoelace & try to pick the 10p up.
Out walking yesterday,i spotted a 20p piece on the pavement. One fifth of a pound,is it worth picking up i thought. 🤔 I decided not to,thinking some street urchin would benefit from it more than me. :whistle: A 50 pence piece is now the lowest coin i'd bend down to pick up and even then i wouldn't make a fuss over it,in case someone i know saw me doing so. How much will you bend down for fellow CCers? 🤔
Anything. The maths is simple. Bending down at most takes a second. Which equals £36 an hour to pick up a penny. You have obviously got to much money.


Senior Member
similar memory here. Tend to think that wouldn't happen anymore. In any case the police station in my home town (pop around 15,000 rising) has been closed.
In my case I just happened to be with a friend when I spotted it.
He claimed half of it.
Like a mug I did give him half when I got it back from the police station months later.
May even have been the same year - maybe someone was going around testing the honesty of lancashire kids.
Same here, as a young teen I found a wad of notes (rolled up), not sure how much but quite a lot, and my mother said we should take it to the local police station, where sometime later I got it back as it wasn't claimed, which really surprised me.
Copper is pretty good at killing viruses after 4 hours. If you see a penny on the ground just wait 4 hours before picking up you will be safe.


Remember long time ago collecting my car from the body shop and climbing up into their office up a flight of metal steps. They’d epoxied a pond coin onto one step and would laugh when someone tried to pick it.
Very dodgy outfit, the owner told me he started the business from the proceeds of robberies, mind it was south east London.
And people say crime doesn't pay...


Macho Business Donkey Wrestler
With the mention of the glued down coin trick, it reminded me of an old Dave Allen sketch where he spots a ten pound note stuck under the wheel of a parked car as he's walking past it.

He takes up a position in the window of a cafe overlooking the street, getting increasingly nervous every time someone comes close to spotting the note under the tyre.
Eventually the car owner comes along and gets in the car, Dave starts to get ready but the entire cafe clientele get up and make a dash for the door.


Legendary Member
Just thinking about people who say they wouldn’t bother for a small amount makes me think of an old farmer dad did a job for. He was going to knock the odd pennies of his account and the old boy said “Nae, laddie. You look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves”.
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