What's the earliest 'funny' that still makes you laugh?

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Über Member
The PG Tips ads with the chimpanzees, definitely not PC in todays world.

The best one, and still makes me laugh every time I bump my head, "Duck Captain!" "That's not a duck! It's a seagull!" Bonk "Aaargh!" Splash.

"If you can hum it Son, I can play it!"


Now that brings back forgotten memories. In my late teens I used to have a T shirt with one of two vultures saying that to his fellow vulture.

It was a pair of vultures. Of course it was! Why did i say buzzards? I really am losing it...


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
If Ken Dodd could sit on stage for 4.5 hours in a 2 hour show & not utter one word of obscenity & still be hilariously funny why can't they? Mother & Father in Law saw him a few times, he would have the bus timetable on stage with him & when he started to overrun which was every time he would start advising people when they were due (buses) so that they could stay right up to the last minute.
Saw Ken Dodd at the Carlisle Sands Sports' Centre... he was fantastic.


Legendary Member
seen Ken Dodd a couple of times , book him for an hour, you get four.

You reminded me of an event I was at about 20 years ago. It was a golf event men only ( I was working I don’t do golf) , they had two after dinner speakers, one was a ‘66 England football player ( can’t remember who) and one was the comedian TomO’Connor. He stood for an hour and told the funniest gags, to a load of pissed up blokes, he pulled the roof in, and not a racist, sexist, foul word came from his lips. A real class act.
We still laugh about watching him at the Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool in the 70s. One of the stories, which we can't remember, had the punchline "cos you're a nark pal".
As you say, he was on for hours with not one swear word.


Legendary Member
Saw Ken Dodd at the Carlisle Sands Sports' Centre... he was fantastic.
We saw Doddy 4 times over the years. First time was Porthmaddog in the 70s. We saw him again towards the end and were sort of sorry we did as he was losing it by then. Quite sad.
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Deleted member 26715

The PG Tips ads with the chimpanzees, definitely not PC in todays world.

The best one, and still makes me laugh every time I bump my head, "Duck Captain!" "That's not a duck! It's a seagull!" Bonk "Aaargh!" Splash.

"If you can hum it Son, I can play it!"
Avez-vous cuppa, can you ride tandem


Legendary Member
Hancock. My dad's favourite, happy memories of us both sat watching Hancock's Half Hour on a tiny black and white set in the '60s while my mum and sister looked on without a flicker of a smile between them. Same with Tommy Cooper, both dad and I got him.

Had the same experience with my wife and step daughter with Trigger Happy TV, I was laughing my head off at it while they were sat there without a flicker of a smile. It didn't bear repeating though, I didn't find it so amusing when watching repeats.

Back on topic I always found Frank Carson amusing, the material was often corny but it really was, as he said, the way he told 'em.


I remember being in Cheddar gorge..maybe 11, first ever school trip camping at symonds yat

Me and a mate Gary were looking g at the funny postcards.

A butcher in front of all the meat smiling..
Meat all had prices on..
In the middle a large sausage where his would be and a sign saying Free:laugh::laugh:

We were kids but we found that hysterical


I bought that when it came out. I told my mum not to be tempted to listen to it. Came home late one night her and her fella pissing themselves listening to Jump you fecker jump!

:laugh::laugh: 5 and a half pounds of crap in my Trousers....
The pomg from that was fekin staggering :laugh::laugh::laugh:
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