Everyone has his own routine. Here is mine. I carry a spare tube and a patch kit. Theory is, first puncture gets the tube, and punctured tube will be repaired at home, with the old-fashioned, glue-type patches. The 2nd puncture will be patched with the Parks glueless patches. (I've only had a 2nd puncture on a ride 1 time).
In my experience, the glueless patches are fine when used like this, but I don't consider them to be a permanent repair. I've had them wrinkle, or actually leak through the old hole (you can actually see a little blister forming through them where the hole is covered). I'll admit, it may be a couple thousand miles later, but I still can't consider the glueless to be a permanent repair. The old glue-type, ARE a permanent repair, and I've NEVER had one leak, slip, or wrinkle.