Alan H said:
Recipe please! That sounds delicious!
We're having kale tomorrow, but then the green curly variety.
I think any kale will do - I've made it with cavolo nero before. I don't usually measure stuff, so the quantities below are fairly vague, sorry. It's stir-fried/steamed, so getting everything ready first is worth it.
1-2 tablespoons sesame seeds
1-2 cloves garlic, crushed
A small piece of ginger (about an inch long) peeled and grated
4-5 spring onions, chopped fairly small
as much kale as you think you can eat washed and shredded finely (or as finely as you can be bothered) - I always take the midribs out because they cook more slowly
150-200ml vegetable stock with a splash of soy sauce in it
On a fairly high heat, toast the sesame seeds in a frying pan or wok until they are a shade darker than they are raw, then take them out and put aside.
Return the pan to the heat, and add a little sunflower oil. Add the garlic, ginger and spring onions, and stir fry. After about 30 seconds, add the kale, cook for another 30 seconds or so, then add about a third of the stock (this will steam violently). Stir well, then add the rest of the stock,and put the lid on the pan.
After about 5 minutes, the kale should be cooked.
Stir in the sesame seeds.
Voilà! Serve with rice.
I added some chilli flakes tonight, but it didn't really need it.