[I reserve the right to change my avatar in future and if I do, this post will no longer apply]
If it shows a tall, scrawny git wearing a yellow and black windtop, standing next to his Bianchi, with a 'Finish' banner behind him, that's the one I'm talking about. It was taken at the end of the Manchester 100 in 2001 (I think). It was the one year when I was skinny enough and strong enough to be a good climber.
Nowadays, I no longer have the Bianchi since the baggage handlers at either Manchester or Alicante airport managed to damage the frame which later developed a crack. The parts and wheels got transplanted onto a new lightweight steel Basso frame and in memory of the Bianchi, I replaced the Basso's steel forks with the carbon-fibre ones off the Bianchi. So... if you see a tall guy on a blue Basso, with c-f forks in the old Mercatone Uno team colours, it will be me. I keep meaning to repaint the forks but haven't got round to it yet. How times change - I now weigh 4 stone more (!) and can only get up hills slowly with the aid of a great-granny gear
