What's a good thing to eat whilst riding for energy

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Kilometre nibbler
Fairly typical if you’ve built a decent endurance base.
On a long ride I typically eat every three or four hours. I stop and have a good feed and drink, normally at a shop/cafe so I can fill my bottles up at the same time. Eating on the go I always find unnecessary and fiddly.

I used to have some energy drink powder that I impulse-bought at Decathlon or somewhere, on the basis that it would keep me topped up with energy while riding. But, while it was quite pleasant tasting, I never noticed any difference between that and water/squash so when it ran out that was it. I might buy some more next time I see some. I might not.


Legendary Member
Hand full of Jelly Babies I chew one every fifteen minutes Usually that’s all I take on a 90:minute ride Plus liquid of. course
I can usually manage about 90 mins to 2 hours without needing a top up*. Although I've always got haribo and mint imperials in my bar bag. I do prefer the mints though.

Further than 2 hours / 20 miles, then it's the old banana / crisps / rice cakes / flapjacks thing. For cycling "away days" I find savoury stuff suits me better, so cheese sandwiches, peanut butter & marmite sandwiches, salted nuts. If I stop somewhere, then a pint of cold semi-skimmed milk is a good thing to sup.

* I tend to go out in the afternoons after a decent lunch - substantial sandwich, fruit and tea. In the winter, a bowl of soup as well. If I'm out early doors, I'll have a bowl of porridge. I'm not usually a breakfast person otherwise.


Norven Mankey
Yeah I usually eat porridge or wheetabix before I go but i need something I can easily eat without faffing with wrappers. Would marzipan work? thats pure sugar isn't it? could cut a block off and put in one of my pockets.
If you like marzipan, take marzipan. If you like pork pies, take a pork pie. So long as you take something reasonably calorie dense and you enjoy eating it you'll be fine.
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