What way to sell my old car ?

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Über Member
When we sold our Ka Mk1 (the car that preceded our Fiat) we advertised it for a few weeks in Autotrader etc. i then placed an advert in the EDP and stated: "I looked for ages and this was the best I could find 4 years ago - It is the best you will find now and is well worth the 30-minute journey from Norwich". We only had one enquiry.... the lady came and declared "yes - it's the best I've seen" and paid full asking. Trying to sell the Fiat would have undoubtedly been even more challenging.


If you live in rural Norfolk it's just about impossible to sell privately.

Then say you will collect them from the nearest train station and put it on e bay.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Then say you will collect them from the nearest train station and put it on e bay.

That's what I did when selling a few cars via eBay. I sold everything from my nice Saab 9-3 Aero convertible (the buyer came up from Brighton) to a battered Volvo estate (the buyer - who was on the Bluebird re-build project - came down from Glasgow and used it to pick up a caravan they'd also bought nearby, driving back to Glasgow).

I've done similar and bought son no. 2's Peugeot Tepee (seller picked me up from a station) and we've still got that car almost 8 years later.

SWMBO's old Honda Jazz will probably be sold later this year once a major expense is dealt with and it'll be either via eBay again or WBAC.


Stubborn git
Last couple of cars we've downed was on Facebook.

My Skoda had 140+ people message and sold in 24 hours with people offering more than it was advertised for just to jump the queue.

My dad put his Fiesta on there yesterday at 4pm and is over 340 this morning. Someone is on their way to pick it up as we speak.

It'll be gone in hours if priced correctly.


Legendary Member
Mrs D advertised our old Pious on Facebook.

The inbox was red hot within an hour, and one guy, a cabbie he claimed, got in contact and paid the whole lot by bank transfer without seeing the car in person so he didn't lose it.

Mind you, when he got there he tried to chisel money off with imaginary things wrong, but I had described the car honestly and in great detail so I told him to f*** off else I'd tow HIS car off my property and dump it in the road. He eventually took the hint.


Stubborn git
Mind you, when he got there he tried to chisel money off with imaginary things wrong, but I had described the car honestly and in great detail so I told him to f*** off else I'd tow HIS car off my property and dump it in the road. He eventually took the hint.

Similar with the Skud. Everything they tried chipping for had been listed and if they didn't want it, one of the other 100+ people would.


Heavy Metal Fan
I put mine on FB yesterday - priced about average compared to what has sold on Ebay. It's had 86 views, 1 save but I've had no interest. I'm hoping it's because everyone is skint as it's post xmas January, and after payday I might get an offer.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
My lad is currently entering the buy/sell. He picked up a rough Aygo for £200. Same model/colour/age to the one we have. Needs a darn good clean inside as it's been stood and it's a bit leaky (I've told him what needs sealing as common points leak) and it needs the front bumper re-spraying as it was in a small bump. Hopefully, once tidy, if should easily fetch £1,500. They do seem to sell.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I'm skint because I keep discovering "essential£ things for my van. £600 driving lights, £400 snorkel, £700 virtual dashboard... at this rate I'll have to get a job!

Funny you should say that. £70 front mat from Carmats.co.uk - very plush executive one ! Various new cleaning products including 'leather care'. Next is the bed system for the boot, £700, then two quality self inflating mattresses, £400, then a solar battery bank £800.... yikes.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Righto !
The new car will take a bit longer than mrs ck thought and the old car is showing the service is due , now do i service it or just take a bit of a hit on the sale price ?
The first car I sold, I just sold to a scrap dealer as I couldn't be bothered dealing with actually selling it. It had a valid MOT but would fail it's next one so I just decided to dump it. In hind sight I think offering it for half market value, sold as seen, might have been better.


I forgot my last one lol Sold through TheCarBuyingGroup. They made me an offer came to collect it and didn't even test drive, just wanted the MOT to be valid and it to start. I got the impression it was being bought for parts.

I did have a better offer though a similar service, they came a test drive then lowballed me an offer I declined on principle. TCBGs offer was guaranteed so long as I could provide the MOT and it started (and wasnt on fire presumably).
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