What was your mileage this year ?

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6700 miles for me my best year by 7% the previous improvements being 14% and before that 22% (so I'm plateauing out). I'd like to crack 8000 but if Feb and December are carp again I can't see it happening. 102 rides @ 65.7m 12.81mph average.


The Glue that binds us together.
Just under 3500, would have been more but recovering from cancer slowed me down a bit,


Well-Known Member
Probably my lowest in the last 15 years. Couple of covid bouts and a hefty dose of CBA. The norm is 8-10k a year.


Highest ever year for me, a shade over 10,000 miles. Very few commute miles so chuffed to hit the target I'd set. As others have said, autumn and winter were a real slog with a lot of rain and the long cold spell. Also got Covid in November but was only off the bike for a week and managed 1,050 miles in December.

Not sure that was particularly good for me as felt pretty exhausted all month and still do! But will be taking it a lot easier this year and prioritising family time (we're due to start fostering in a couple of weeks) and much shorter rides with Mini T...although he's keen on doing his first century before he turns 10 in November. Looking forward to having a year off from chasing an arbitrary distance goal and just riding for sheer pleasure!


Kilometre nibbler
Pretty low for me. Started well but petered out. In fact, due to a combination of things I was only doing one ride a month by the last 2 months, and that was a 100 miler for the century a month challenge. I did, however, make ample use of an ingenious mechanism that I own that enables cycling to be simulated indoors.:whistle:
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