Having just got a new pump with a gauge, I tried to set my tyres based on the CTC guide ( http://www.ctc.org.uk/DesktopDefault.aspx?TabID=3802 ) rather than just inflating till they felt right, and used 80 f 100 r on my Allez, just been out now, and the ride feels quite comfortable, however it was like riding through treacle, I stopped twice to check I didn't have a puncture or my brakes were binding.
At this stage I will assume the gauge is fairly accurate, but what pressures would you recommend, I am just under 14 st and purely leisure rides, no racing, I was thinking of about 100 f 110 r?
At this stage I will assume the gauge is fairly accurate, but what pressures would you recommend, I am just under 14 st and purely leisure rides, no racing, I was thinking of about 100 f 110 r?