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'Undercover Boss'

The holiday parks edition

I really enjoyed the first series but I'm struggling to get into this one. The Batwoman v Alice storyline worked better before. Same with the new series of Supergirl, just can't get into it.

I was rather hoping to see more of the reasons that Bruce 'walked away' from Gotham
I did presume that Luke & Mary would become 'an item', or maybe wth Julia Pennyworth?

What was a nice touch was Julia & Luke echoing the Morgan Freeman & Micheal Caine exchange, from the Christian Bale Batman films, that their fathers used on parting

"Lucious.... always a pleasure"

Of course, the best Batman, & Joker were Kevin Conroy & Mark Hamill
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Chris S

Legendary Member
I've just watched 'Love Me Tender'. It was an early film by Elvis Presley about the aftermath of the American Civil War. It was only made about 90 years after it. That's about the same as War Horse and the First World War.
I've recently cobbled together a few music video compilations, by decade - 70's, 80's and 90's. All came from Youtube, and are just random memories from each era. I'm more drawn towards the 70's selection than the others, which is surprising as I've always thought the 80's as being my decade. Despite all the doom and gloom going on in the seventies, Glam Rock certainly brought some sparkle to cheer things up. Most evenings I watch something music related on the TV - concerts, documentaries - find it a great way to unwind do some nostalgia :okay:


Legendary Member
Watching Breaking Bad in its entirety for the third time. We're on series 4 episode 4 now! Following this, we'll be watching all Better Call Saul up to date because the 'final' series is due out late this year or possibly early next so we want to ensure we don't miss any nuance or reason for a particular strand.


Gravitationally challenged member
The prologue of the Vuelta, recorded yesterday on Quest.
Strangely, it doesn't seem to involve much cycling, but rather a lot of Polish, fortunately subtitled, and border police finding hidden cigarettes.
The Watch

Travesty, & dire
Allegedly based on Pratchetts books, but they seem to have only used the names...................
I'm only half way through but I think some of the plot is his. Very loosely anyway. Such a shame to take such a successful series and then throw away 90% of it and think you're clever enough to make it a success that way.

If it isn't broke - don't fix it.
The prologue of the Vuelta, recorded yesterday on Quest.
Strangely, it doesn't seem to involve much cycling, but rather a lot of Polish, fortunately subtitled, and border police finding hidden cigarettes.
Don't forget the 6 kilos of hair and the counterfeit pesticide. I've no idea who is in the lead now.

Thank god for GCN+ and their coverage.


back and brave
I don't rate 'Breaking Bad' as highly as others do. It's okay, has its moments, but overall it didn't work for me. As a result, I've not been temped by 'Better Call Saul'. I should give it a go.

Currently watching 'I Am The Night' and enjoying it. It's loosely based on fact and has a few totally fictional elements woven in. Intriguing enough to make me read up on the real story.... and the George Hodel character was the suspected 'Black Dahlia' killer and generally not a very nice fellow (read 'possible psycho')


back and brave
Vida - amongst the best TV I've ever watched, if not the best. Main characters are real and complex, the balance of the show is spot on, the story moves in a manner consistent with characters' traits (just like real life) and not to drive a plot line. At times touching/moving, laugh out load funny, yet astute and aware - it manages to say a lot, maintain it's integrity and, above else, stay entertaining and captivating. Not too many TV shows manage, imo & e, to get that balance right.

I fully expect it not to be to everyone's taste but, for me, why it scores so highly is the confidence and touch with which it tells its tale - its surefootedness. One of the shows where the final show brought with it a feeling of sadness, knowing little else I could watch could ever match it.
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