captain nemo1701
Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
- Location
- Bristol
I've got a soft spot for that. I used to work away a lot and it seemed to be on one of the "repeats" channels aftwr work, but before going out for my tea, so I got quite into it. It was just simple entertainment without any pretension; never took itself too seriously, for example Colonel whatsissname saying "oh, another wooded planet" as all the alien planets obviously looked like a wood near the studio - a bit like 70s Doctor who always ending up in the same quarry; and it's got the lovely Ms Tapping too. Another gag was the two leads from Farscape joining the cast and commenting "have we met before?" The two spin offs weren't bad either
For the 200th episode (yes...200!!), they did a series of TV/movie spoof scenes .Story was that the guy from 'Wormhole Extreme' was writing a movie version & needed SG1 opinions on scenes, presented as little 'memory flashes' in the show. So cue some funny parodies including a send up of Star Trek and also Browder & Black sending up Farscape. Classic.
Other gems include O'Neill reassuring some the same guy from Wormhole Extreme, 'Nobody watches cable shows'...a dig at Stargate.
Also stepping out of the gate into yet another forest & exclaiming 'trees...trees, how green is the universe?'.
Gotta love Jack. When things go bad...I often say ' awww...crap' in my best Jack voice