I didn't mean the storyline, I meant in the semi pantomime portrayals. It's fun, sure, but that type of portrayal does lose its humour after a bit. For me anyway.
I don't think you'd ever see young Bruce become Batman though. I don't think that was ever in the program's remit. I'm sure the series creator (Bruno Hellar?? Off the top of my head) has said as much. It was more setting the scene for what was to come, the story people already knew.
I liked Gotham. It flirted with darkness but didn't embrace or wallow in it. I think it was largely light, 2 dimensional stuff and worked like that. I enjoyed the superficial characters (they are comic book after all); from Penguin's comedy villain to Jim's overly serious furrowed brow, and all points in between. Maybe I'm doing it a disservice. Maybe it did have other aims but I liked it the way I saw it and didn't read more into it.
Tbh, I thought my dismissal of Fleabag would be more contentious!