I gave up on DC hero shows a while back when Arrow introduced 'the magic hot tub' in Tibet that meant a character could get killed one week, get dunked and be back the following week, but watched Titans and that was alright so I thought, yeah maybe I'll catch up on The Flash. Jaysus on a Unicycle, if they sacked the writing team and employed a large number of monkeys it couldn't be worse.
"I threw the philosopher's stone into the speed force and accidentally saw the future."
Between that and the need to have a character flounce and have another character say 'hey, I'll talk to him' every other fecking scene. It's like bad fan fiction written by someone who has never actually met another human being and tried to imagine how human beings interacted. I'm sure somewhere a DC exec is scratching his head wondering why DC product never makes as much money as Marvel, yep no idea either pal. So yeah in the parlance of the muppets who write this tut 'I'm like totally over the Flash' or as it has become known in the Heckler household 'The Gash'.