What trait do you despise in other people?

What trait do you despise in people?

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Barbara Woodhouse's Love Child
Liars, cheats and big heads. Also, those who don't stick their hands up and admit to a f*ck up and then try and blame everyone else.


Tightness..depends on your version. I'm tight, but will happily spend freely if it's something i really want. Cant stand wasting money. Does that make me tight ?

Lying...I'm not averse to telling white lies to gain a little time at work, when circumstances dictate. Usually when i've forgotten to do something :ohmy:.
But lying, the bullshitting variety, i can't stand.

Slopey shouderness....can't stand it. Have the courage to admit you got it wrong...or at least dont make your colleagues look worse than you.
Smelling...If it's consistent smelling through laziness...no, can't stand it. We all smell once in a while.

Over touchy..depends on the circumstances. I'm a reserved person, but admire some peoples ability to relax and be touchy feely. They are not constrained by reservedness, which isn't a nice trait.

Mr Pig

New Member
Ever noticed that people are often really intolerant of people who display the same traits as they themselves have? I know a guy who hates liars, but is the biggest liar I know!


Barbara Woodhouse's Love Child
gbb said:
Have the courage to admit you got it wrong...or at least dont make your colleagues look worse than you.

Which I intend to do in about 8 minutes time at a meeting......

Oooeerrr wish me luck. :ohmy: :smile: :smile:


Smelly People.

I once sat down on an economy flight from the American mid-west to London and the guy who sat next to me had the, the, most awful body odour problem. I got up straight away and said if I had to sit there, there would be violence before the hour was out. So they moved me.

Being smelly is so unnecessary.


New Member
I checked lying, but also wanted to check smelling, slopey shoulderness too Touchy is OK as long as they are young attractive females, then they can touch.;);)


Openly Marxist
Abitrary said:
Selfishness. Not necessarily tightness.

People who take more than they give, and are not afraid of doing so, leech the hope from my soul.

Quite so. There are two kinds of people - radiators and drains ;).


I'd agree a bit to that. I know someone like that as well.

Bangs on and on about liars etc..... people lying, being lied to etc etc..... and yet anything that comes out his mouth is complete bullshit.

Mr Pig said:
Ever noticed that people are often really intolerant of people who display the same traits as they themselves have? I know a guy who hates liars, but is the biggest liar I know!


Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.
If there is one thing I cannot stand it is when people lie, or just don't tell the full truth, when they lead you to believe one thing, when the opposite is actually true. I pick up on that instinctively, I am rarely wrong. I rarely let on how I feel, I just loose all trust in that person.
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