Not me as I've swapped my clipless back to flats....Every time you say that someone has a clipless moment.
Not me as I've swapped my clipless back to flats....Every time you say that someone has a clipless moment. me as I've swapped my clipless back to flats....
How many clipless moments vs pedal strike posts are there? I'm happy to take my chances.
I can understand needing more layers and warmer ones for winter rides, but how are they different kits for short, medium and long range trips? Once you get to the point of washing clothes, isn't that as big as the kit gets?You really need different kits for short, medium and long range trips and winter rides require a bit more than summer rides
You really need different kits for short, medium and long range trips and winter rides require a bit more than summer rides
^^ This, except mini track pump instead of CO2, 100mm adjustable spanner (15mm jaw - watch out for that) instead of the 15mm fixed, and a mini chain brute, 1/4" square drive 100mm sliding bar, 10mm (brakes, gears), 14mm (cranks) and hex drive sockets with hex bits covering the needed mix of allen and screw heads instead of the multitool (as I find the bulky body of multitools tend to get in the way with my bikes). Plus some cable ties, tape, lock and keys. And for group or very long rides, add a small pound shop oil tin, mini sun block, insect repellent, body spray, (don't mix any of them up) kitchen sink.
There's more than one way to skin this cat.
Has anyone tried the 110g PWLife expanding flat strip 18-in-1 multitool or those tiny 30g EDC Octopus ones?
I already have LOLFactor 50, if you must know...
spare gloves / mitts
spare waterproof top
spare tee shirt
Only by straps, or in some sort of bracket? If only straps, doesn't it scuff up your frame? (I'm interested because I'm currently looking for how to go saddlebagless and rackbagless on one bike and the pump is too big for handlebar or top tube bags.)A mini pump is secured next to the bottle by Velcro straps.
Only by straps, or in some sort of bracket? If only straps, doesn't it scuff up your frame? (I'm interested because I'm currently looking for how to go saddlebagless and rackbagless on one bike and the pump is too big for handlebar or top tube bags.)