Racing roadkill
I just eat a banana before I ride anything more than 100 Km's then I fuel on the go, as and when required.
^^^^^ sounds good, but everyone is different A long ride is different for everyone too, but for a 100 mile ride, I try & have a pasta based tea the night before & then porridge or cereal in the morning & a good coffee or two before setting off. Then a cafe stop en-route. 2 ton rides this year, 1st had a cafe stop after about 40 miles, full english & with the help of a couple of gels towards end I managed, but the last one I did just over 50 then had a massive club sandwich, chicken bacon, egg mayo etc & coffee & that saw me through. What works one day, might not work another. best advice is don't do anything too different from what you normally do & listen to your body, it will let you know when it needs fuelingDefine long ride and how much long riding have you done before.
Great start is porridge mixed with banana and a coffee to get some caffeine into you, I probably wouldn't have any more than that TBH, you don't want to start out all stodgy and full of food, rather take it with me and snack as I go.
I love kippers, but they repeat on me really badly, so wouldn't dream of eating them before a long ride. can't bear the thought of a fruit flavoured gel added to the repeating flavour of kippersKippers
........actually porridge. But I like the idea of a couple of kippers before a decent ride.
Nope, they're on the way to being knackered and cycling is one of the reasons (for the left a big reason as first buggered coming off a bike)
I just use the exercise bike in front of the TV, I'll get back in the gym to mix it up, I went for a walk earlier etc. Distance is as much about the mental as physical, hence not overthinking it. The long cycles I've done in the past (several 100+ km, a hundred miler) have done without any specific training or preparation (other than going to Poundland for the Haribo jelly babies). I take it easy, stop as needed, have cake and lunch breaks, I'm not racing. Rain is the one thing that dampens my spirit, not because of the wet per se, but because I get very cold and take forever to warm up again.
I am in the process of engaging a cycling focused physio to get me rehabbed and back on the bike, that'll help with mental and physical hopefully. I hope to be back out there in a few weeks if the surgeon is happy when I see him tomorrow
I've come back to cycling from surgery pretty much every year for the last 5 or 6...
2010 - knee ops in Feb and December (following injury in Sept 09)
2012 - elbow op in November (that was a crazy year, I spent about 100 days travelling for work too)!
2013 - minor elbow op in August
2014 - pretty much emergency surgery on infected shin in Feb
2015 - latest knee op (Feb), and I may well need something doing to the other at some point next winter I've got the rehab to cycle down pat. I just have to be really careful not to overdo it, hence wanting professional help from someone who has a focus on cycling!
I think for the longer ride you need to eat before you bonk. Don't wait until hungry or energy fading
Bonk ????
As I understand the word "bonk" I dont normally eat just before. A few snifters of whisky maybe my dictionary bonk = well........something completely different.Bonk - to run completely out of energy on a ride.