What to do? Horn abuse.

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Über Member
Tonight I was riding along the A13 between Southend and Hadleigh, a 'Vanilla' single carriage,, wide with a lane each way, cars parked one side, with build outs & traffic islands to control traffic.
Flat road, wind behind me going along at a good pace close to the roads speed limit, ( I have no cycle computer,but I wasn't loitering) took up command positions to limit dangerous overtakes, when this '24 plated BMW Moron mobile decided to 'abuse' me with the horn, not one ,but several long blasts, now I could be kind to say it had got stuck, but I think the intention was only too clear, to get me out of the way.
I held my position, as it wasn't safe to stop pull over or allow them through, with this continuous sounding of the Horn, I stuck out my right arm , and pointed and shook my hand at them.
Now given the road wasn't busy, traffic was flowing, I can not understand why that idiot thought I was in the wrong, had they got out of the car, a very acrimonious discussion would have ensued with me possible having sore knuckles,
I am well aware of how to ride a bike ,I also motorcycle, so I am well aware of my responsibility when riding,
Thankfully I wasn't riding the recumbent trike, as I' m not sure how things would have planned out.
To be clear I was wearing bright clothing 2 rear lights and a front, I was conspicuous enough , and moving fast.

Apart from not being intimidated to get out of the way, is there anything else I could have done, who ever it was didn't have the courage to stop, which given how angry I was perhaps a good thing.


Go slower next time


Über Member
Well apparently that's the technique to use when being tailgated if on a motorcycle, , I do the same if I am tailgated in the car ,I wIll move over when I want to.
If on the Moto,I am way faster than car I just accelerate away


As long as I breathe, I attack.
find out where they live and stick sugar in the fuel tank, or if you feeling really mean and you have the number plate anonymous tip off to the plod for a crime that will get them there around to the drivers door asap .
Seriously though some people are just planks


Über Member
Stop, check he doesn't have a dashcam, s*** on his bonnet, and carry on my merry way.

I'd Sooner use my superior intellect to belittle the little turd, the whack 'em if they didn't accede.
When you can see a big person, it's wise not to pick fights I'm over 6 ft and just as wide ( nearly ), its the Essex way .


Legendary Member
I'm 6 four and two-sixy. For some strange reason people tend not to get arsey with my like they did the OP.

It is a sad world where people don't get treated with dignity and consideration unless they have the physical presence to intimidate people into doing so.


Über Member
Sadly, people do not show respect, decency is a kindness that doesn't cost anything.
I'm like Drago, I have an intimidating presence,but I don't use it! It's like nuclear weapons ,you've got them, we know the destruction they cause , let's so let's keep the peace.
I would no more pick fights with lesser people, than someone my own size, but cross me, I'll give the miscreant a chance to say sorry........ otherwise it's Ecky fump time!

The incident was totally unnecessary, progress for the car driver was negligible, before they could safely pass, but they chose to intimidate me ,and provoke a dangerous situation.


Legendary Member
One day I'll lose it and life a car into its side. Hopefully a mark 1 panda 750 with onky a small driver so I don't look silly of it goes wrong.


Über Member
One day I'll lose it and life a car into its side. Hopefully a mark 1 panda 750 with onky a small driver so I don't look silly of it goes wrong.

🦍 Gorilla warfare! Actually that's a diservivce to such majestic placid beasts, it's a pity they have to be kept in Zoo's,
I'd like to think I have one iota of the majestic ' Jambo', but then a gorilla 🦍 needs a bike like a fish does!
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