Dealing with abuse

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I like it. :boxing:

I can live without it if I'm honest. I mean, those dudes are faster than me + a small electric motor - good for them. We're not in competition; we're all running in our own race. I am unfit with knee problems and there are hills here, and my electric Dawes means I ride as opposed to using some sort of ICE.

It seems odd to me that anyone should care what I ride, aside from the odd soul who asks about it from the point of their own potential ownership of course.


I can live without it if I'm honest. I mean, those dudes are faster than me + a small electric motor - good for them. We're not in competition; we're all running in our own race. I am unfit with knee problems and there are hills here, and my electric Dawes means I ride as opposed to using some sort of ICE.

It seems odd to me that anyone should care what I ride, aside from the odd soul who asks about it from the point of their own potential ownership of course.

Yeah, so can I, it was just a comment.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
I can live without it if I'm honest. I mean, those dudes are faster than me + a small electric motor - good for them. We're not in competition; we're all running in our own race. I am unfit with knee problems and there are hills here, and my electric Dawes means I ride as opposed to using some sort of ICE.

It seems odd to me that anyone should care what I ride, aside from the odd soul who asks about it from the point of their own potential ownership of course.

I wouldn't worry about it. Just because the nobber was on a bike doesn't make him a saint. There are Sherman Tanks on bikes, just the same as there are in every other walk of life. He probably has the same superior air about him wherever he goes, in whatever means of transport he uses. Just be glad your only involvement with him was a stupid comment in a Tesco car park. Think of his partner and family, work colleagues etc...
My golden rule is ignore them unless you have no choice but to respond - far too many complete nutters out there these days.

Yup - take a deep breath and internally mutter "k******d"

No point in risking a confrontation with some nutter high on something - possibly just a feeling of superiority as they are in a superior vehicle (in their mind - although I am using the word "mind" in a rather wide version of its range of meanings)

Mr Celine

In Ireland we got off the greenway when it ended and cut back down the shore road wildlife watching.
A Toyota 4 x 4 came down the road and quite crowded me to such an extent i stopped after he passed and looked back.
He stopped and talked to my partner. When she caught up fuming to herself I asked what he said.
`The cycle way is over there'.
She said politely ` Yes we just got off it'.
' Well they spent millions to keep you people off the road'. Then he drove off. Cowardly git.

The correct answer to that is 'They spend millions subsidising buses. Why aren't you on one?'


Legendary Member
Don't know where he is now, but one of my training loops went right past his house!
Probably best not to go undercover in his garden.


Über Member
The first time I rode Lejog I was riding through Exeter and there was a woman driving an ancient Skoda who started shouting at me about selfish cyclists not getting out of her way. I confused her by agreeing with her.

"I know, it's shocking isn't? All these rude selfish cyclists not getting out of our way!"


Riding in the Schwarzwald
Bruce .jpg


Active Member
One I’ll never forget, riding up a country lane and my handlebar just nipped against a lady’s car as she was coming down the lane. I just kept riding until I heard her shout out that I’d hit her car. I turned around and road back to her. She had the hump that I’d hit her mirror with my handlebars. I pointed out that if she looks in her mirror, she may well see the horse box lorry still parked there, that she passed at the same time I hit her mirror. She then said she couldn’t be bothered to argue and drove off 😂
One I’ll never forget, riding up a country lane and my handlebar just nipped against a lady’s car as she was coming down the lane. I just kept riding until I heard her shout out that I’d hit her car. I turned around and road back to her. She had the hump that I’d hit her mirror with my handlebars. I pointed out that if she looks in her mirror, she may well see the horse box lorry still parked there, that she passed at the same time I hit her mirror. She then said she couldn’t be bothered to argue and drove off 😂

WOW - that's taking the concept of a close pass to its logical extreme


Active Member
I think she and others keep their horses at the top of the hill, they don’t like the amount of cyclists that use the lane and pass through their horse paddocks. It’s a public right of way, but they don’t like it.
So no matter who you are, if you’re on a bike they will deliberately try to make life difficult.
In the winter I get their car lights on full beam, I simply turn on my head torch and give it back!!
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