Get vitamin D3 in combination with vitamin K2. Yes, you ought to be able to get all vitamins except perhaps D from your diet but in most countries now K2 content of food is MUCH lower than it was for our ancestors. It mainly comes from animal products and animals get it from what THEY eat, which has changed significantly and not for the better. Vegans would have to be very careful in what they eat.
You can get K2 from fermented products such as natto (fermented soya bean curd, which most westerners find pretty disgusting!) but I just buy a D3/K2 supplement. D3 helps the body extract calcium from food, and K2 is used to control where the body deposits it. Without vitamin D3 you will suffer calcium deficiency (brittle bones etc.). With D3, but no K2, calcium will end up where you really don't want it i.e. instead of in bones and teeth, it could end up causing havoc in organs and arteries.
Read about it in
Vitamin K2 And The Calcium Paradox: How a Little-Known Vitamin Could Save Your Life. (Kindle edition currently only £1.24.) It is very convincing.
I get my D3/K2