What secretly annoys you?

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back and brave
In a customer service situation, being told (either to your face or on the phone) "the person you want to speak to isn't in today"

In truth, I'd prefer not to be having to speak to anyone. So, no, I don't "want" to speak to anyone in particular. I would much prefer it if the person I AM speaking to could either resolve the issue themselves or take sufficient info to enable the absent guru (upon whom ;) seemingly the entire company depends) to sort on their return. I really don't want the problem compounded by it being thrown back at me.


Prize winning member X2
The news reader on the BBC annoyed me when he said that the diplodocus was being removed from the NHM . Now I am a Carpenter so had to spell check diplodocus ( twice now ) as its not I word I use very often . In fact I think I can say I have used it twice now in the last thirty years but .... If my job involved broadcasting to the world that the main feature in the NHM was getting changed I would learn how to say diplifarkingdocus and what the multiple of diplodocus ( three times ) is !
And Boris Johnson .


No longer a Specialized fanboy
People at the gym that...

...sit on a stationary bike, pedal a bit then gradually get slower and slower and their focus increases on updating their facebook status.

... go on the read mill, ramp up the incline to the max then hold on the heart rate handles or display screen and lean back - totally negating the point of the incline.


my ex wife who kept my surname.
That really really peeves me. I think they do it to annoy and it works!


Self righteous middle class poltical correct environmentalist tossers who drive petrol guzzling 4WD cars because they live down a track which is 10 yards long in a second home which they have stolen from a local and only use once a month if that. And complain about paying full council tax because "they don't have to empty my bin as often as yours".
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