ianrauk said:No doubt Liverpudlians are good folks, that's not the issue.. It's just that their accent is undoubtedly the worst, as shown by the majority of votes in this thread.
And a lincolnshire accent is not at all carrot crunching!Chris James said:Kent accent...it seems to be a cross between estuary English and some sort of carrot crunching drawl.
Fortunately my sister and her husband saw sense and have now moved to Lincolnshire to prevent further pollution of the poor girl's speech.
I remember speaking to an Architect over the phone and he sounded very pompous and it kind of annoyed me. I actually met him a few years later and he was nothing like what I'd pictured from his accentTetedelacourse said:Not regional, but any accent that sounds pompous.
Will1962 said:The one that bugs me is Yorkshire - simply because I have to listen to it so often on conference calls at work and can't understand what they are saying half the time.
Kirstie said:I'm going to have to defend the brummie accent. It's got a real earthy genuine-ness (not a word, I know) about it. There's nothing like a straight talking brummie...i love it. And if you've not heard a black coutnry accent you've not lived, it is really nice and warm sounding
Abitrary said:I don't dislike yorkshire people myself, but I can see your point.
With them, when you listen to them, you just have to remember to insert the definate article like "the park" instead of "t' park", because that is confusing.
At the end of the day it's laziness. If they can't be bothered to talk properly, then you shouldn't be bothered to listen to them properly.
Speicher said:Not so much accents that I dislike, but mangled English like
her told me to
I asked she to
We be etc etc