What rear light?

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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Magicshine 818's :becool: - another cyclist chatted to me about them last week, and they weren't even switched on !


I agree they are over priced, but very reliable. The Smarts are also good I have them on my road bike but you can get them cheaper as other brands, still the same light.

To turn off the Cateye hold the button in and after a few seconds they go out, saves going through all the modes.

I don't think much of this light anymore for reliability. Had two in less than a year. I don't always have it attached and keep it in my saddle bag now when I take it out and turn it on the lights will fade or go back to normal depending on if they are nudged etc.


an issue with a lot of lights is a shitty or short lived mount/switch, I haver two of the smart flashes lying around that I no longer use because they bounce off their mounts on potholes, it's a shag having to undo the elastic band etc and looks pikey

I also have the big cateye one from way back, very good and distintive light and reliable but changing rechargeable batteries is torture, they slide in so tight it's an arse getting them out again, mine has been on the hall rad cover for this year, it may go back on for winter I suppose


Active Member
I've actually only ever used those cheapy generic lights you always get with crap bike light sets. They always last far onger than the front light and are pretty good on batteries. Around town they're good enough for me, and in dark areas I just set them to one of the flashing modes or something. Is it really necessary to buy a really bright one? WOuldn't a cheap rear light supplemented by a high-vis do the trick?


Last of the Summer Winos
Blackburn Mars 4.0 (x2)

Plenty bright enough, and on the one occasion that one failed (after 18months - due to water ingress from a faulty switch) it was replaced under the lifetime warranty with no quibles whatsoever.


Legendary Member
You guys love wasting yer money.

Get yourself the Edinburgh Bike Coop Hi Vision Light set - front and rear and be done with it.


So from the replies in this thread, it's down to either the Mars 4.0 or the Smart R2 I'll probably go with the former because of the lifetime warranty

Thanks for the help all :smile:
Just a fwiw - I have a Cateye TL-LD260 rear light (I think that's it - 3 LED rear light, older model). Bracket clips broke a while ago, but it stayed put. Until last night - it fell off. On a busy junction.

It lay there, in the middle of the road. Still flashing.

I get off the road and head back to recover it. A brief thank you to the driver of the grey BMW, who slowed down in puzzlement at the sight of a bright red flashing object lying in the middle of the road.

And a profound curse on him for realising what it was when he saw me heading for it - and then changed course to drive over it. A *******, a ******, a **** of the first order.

But ..... tough ****, dingbat. I picked up the bits and the batteries. Two of the retaining clips for the top are out of shape; the clip to attach to the bracket is out of shape; the batteries are a bit scraped. Put it all together ................ and bu**er me, the damned thing still works :eek: :wacko: :eek:

I just hope he has the same recovery rate when somebody wrecks his light assemblies :ohmy:

AND - well impressed with the Cateye :smile:


Magicshine 818's :becool: - another cyclist chatted to me about them last week, and they weren't even switched on !

I have an 818 myself and am very impressed with it. I tend to place it slightley hidden under the saddle bag to lessen the glare that following drivers might suffer :rolleyes:.

On a recent club ride i was asked to take the rear because it was the most noticeable light in the group.
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