What price pride?

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Shut Up Legs

Down Under Member
There's a guy in my cycling group who rides a good ole fashioned chunky upright with tyres thick enough to mount on a motorbike. And he wears a bum bag. But he'll put almost every cyclist I know to shame when it comes to distance and stamina, whatever the terrain. He "only" managed about 8000 miles last year instead of his usual 10,000+ because he was undergoing radiotherapy!!!! Never judge a cyclist by his/her choice of bike, clothing or accessories.
Agreed, I've seen a few guys like that, so I try not to judge a book by its cover. Just wear what you want, ride what you want, and most importantly, have fun doing it :smile:.


Well-Known Member
a set of half descent wheels (fulcrum 7)or say 105 hubs handmade and light tyres (gp4000s 23c) and your bike will fly as fast as any road bike.Its when it comes to massive hills and other people are stopping for breath, your gearing will be low enough to climb a mountain.Fit a pair of bar ends and clip in pedals and you will be able to stand on the pegs like any other road bike.Dont under estimate the sirrus great wee bike


also available in orange
If you don't want it, don't buy it. If the mileage isn't an issue then you'll feel better when you cruise past the slimmer, younger, lycra clad bods gasping for air/water/food at 60 miles because they're all gear and no fitness.



Senior Member
Thanks all. I hope that it was fairly clear that my post was somewhat tongue in cheek. I have been trying to make my mind up over a change to a drop bar but can't really see the benefit unless I'm spending a shed load of cash. It's nice to have some reassurance though :-)


West Somerset
On the flip side, I did double my stable and bought a road bike, keeping my original hybrid as a utility bike and just using the road bike for fun :hyper:


I can see how you feel, I bought a bike and now am looking at some obscene looking, and priced jerseys, and am worrying if I buy those but still potter around at 13-15 averages people in baggy tees will go flying past me sniggering whereas when I'm in my normal sports t-shirts I don't look entirely like some wanna be wiggins.

I think ridding with a large bag attached to my saddle also helps


Senior Member
London UK
Lucky git I didn't make the ballot, I was going to do it on my Hybrid which is the other end of the spectrum to yours, it hasn't got any suspension though.
I got a NightRider place so it is not all doom and gloom..


Über Member
Ok picture this 58 year old slightly overweight going grey fast bloke pounding up the road on an old heavy mtb racks front and back bags just about every where with a bloody big smile on his face, carting the weeks shopping back home whilst being overtaken by lucra clad hyper fast young whippets on road bikes am I bothered not a bit ! The bike may be old heavy and an hard frame to boot but I would not have it any other way yes I look at nice new fast drop handle bar machines through the lbs window but as yet not gone in so my friend if what you have makes you happy then ride it lol.


Cycling Skoda lover
Sack the image thing !!! I have a Sirrus Elite and it's a fantastic bike and more than up to the job in hand.I even rode my poor old girl (2008 model) all the way down to Cornwall fully loaded with camping kit ( 400 miles) and she never missed a beat unlike the squishy thing riding it ! Speaking about the squishy thing that ride's it,i don't do lycra or padded shorts either,by buttocks are hard core and i go baggy all the way :eek:

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
Another vote for the hybrid approach here :thumbsup: I have a decent road bike, a hybrid and an MTB that runs 2.1 slicks when needed and it really is a toss-up for which bike I take on a ride. The hybrid has done a fair few 100 mile rides and even the MTB is good for the ton. It is really satisfying to whip those lycra clad arses when I am on my mudguarded and panniered hybrid or fat tyred MTB, wearing baggies of course!
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