What price pride?

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Senior Member
I currently ride a Spesh Sirrus Elite. I've got a ballot place for the RideLondon 100 in August and I'm now stressing over whether to do this ride on the Sirrus or fork out money that I don't really want to spend on a drop bar road bike. I know the answer is obvious but, let's face it, image is everything... especially when you're a fat, middle-aged, ugly guy who doesn't look good in lycra.

The Sirrus is pretty roady for a hybrid. It's got thin tyres and carbon front thingies and it looks quite whizzy. (Stop me if I'm losing you with the technical stuff here) However, this event is going to be chock full of skinny, lycra-clad Cavendish lookalikes with their bums in the air and their heads on the front wheels... and I do so hate to look out of place.

Given the Sirrus is quite lightweight anyway and the components are OK, the rational part of my brain figures that it's not a question of spending a few hundred just to salve my misplaced vanity; to get anything lighter and much quicker I'd actually have to part with quite a thick wedge of notes. However, the stupid part of my brain that still thinks I'm 25 and svelte can't see past the lycra and sporty looks of a road bike. It keeps putting images in my head of 19,999 fit people on sports bikes surrounding the Michelin man on a upright bike with a basket on the front (that'd be me).

What to do?


The older I get, the faster I used to be ...
Take the basket off.


68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Crikey - i wouldn't even have thoughts like that.

Just go on your current bike and enjoy yourself.

Image really is NOT everything and without going off on one if people were less bothered by image the populace wouldn't be in half as much debt as it currently is.

Ooooops! I did go off on one; sorry!

Sod what the rest of the world may think. Just be yourself, most people respect people like that.


Watch out, watch out there'll be Triban3's about!!! :bicycle:

T3's are very affordable bikes. In short they are cheap, decent spec and highly rated by many. Sure, there are bike snobs out there who wouldn't dream of throwing a leg over the saddle of a T3. Personally I couldn't care less what they think. My T3 does exactly what I want it to do. I would have no qualms whatsoever in entering the ride. Screw what anyone else thinks.

Get on your existing bike, it's yours, it's what you normally ride. Who cares what others think.


West Somerset
There's a guy in my cycling group who rides a good ole fashioned chunky upright with tyres thick enough to mount on a motorbike. And he wears a bum bag. But he'll put almost every cyclist I know to shame when it comes to distance and stamina, whatever the terrain. He "only" managed about 8000 miles last year instead of his usual 10,000+ because he was undergoing radiotherapy!!!! Never judge a cyclist by his/her choice of bike, clothing or accessories.


Über Member
Burnley lancs
Just enjoy it and don't worry about what others might think. If people are that full of themselves they will be too busy looking to see who is watching them rather than who else is there.


Oaf on a Bike
I kinda think about it differently, I'd rather look like a fast casual cyclist, than a terrible pro in all the gear. ;) I wouldn't worry about other people's opinions, I'm sure you won't stand out or get noticed anyway, but the opinion of anyone who looks down on you for having what I consider a rather decent hybrid and sharing a similar interest in cycling isn't worth taking notice of.


I have the Elite and the Triban ..... For 100 miles, i would take the sirrus. It's pretty fast and most importantly comfortable.
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