What non essentials are you running short on ?

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Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
I haven’t made pizza in weeks!
Saturday pizza night is part of our routine, so for the sake of the kids we need to keep it going. Limiting factor this weekend was mozzarella.


Legendary Member
I was short of eco eggs but managed to catch the egg man and buy 20. Jannie turned up 5 minutes later and had managed to get 20 at the farm.

We are no longer short of eco eggs.


Wheely World
Curry, KFC, chinese and kebabs. I am getting far too healthy now and it needs to stop :bicycle:.

Being more serious we are fine as we normally eat fresh stuff and just have to be a little more flexible based on what is there when shopping.


Legendary Member
Curry, KFC, chinese and kebabs. I am getting far too healthy now and it needs to stop :bicycle:.

Being more serious we are fine as we normally eat fresh stuff and just have to be a little more flexible based on what is there when shopping.
Those are still available however, just as takeaway rather than a luxurious meal out ;)


Wheely World
Those are still available however, just as takeaway rather than a luxurious meal out ;)
You are telling me the leader of our household has been lying to me and all this salad she has been forcing down me is not needed :cry:


Legendary Member
You must have really low standards if you think KFC and Kebabs could ever be classed as Luxurious,:laugh::laugh:
I was being sarcastic. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: ..I have never eaten either (ok the occasional chicken shish (probably <5 total from a takeaway), never a doner)...now I no longer eat meat I won't be having any again
I haven’t made pizza in weeks!

We have 1kg of flour left after the weekends bake:


Beyond that we have a list that we keep of things that we hope to get once the shops reopen. We can buy food and pet food but nothing else really. Need a new gas cartridge for the burner to light the pizza oven, had to use the weed flame thrower at Saturday.....
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