Well-Known Member
tyred said:I started to continue my weight loss programme. Hasn't really helped that tbh (I've gradually gone back to my old dietry habits). I do feel much fitter which is nice but I have found a pleasant surprise. I was always prone to low mood and bouts of depression. Since i started cycling on a regular basis, I don't seem to have this low mood problem. I haven't been able to cycle for about three weeks now owing to about three inches of solid ice on the local roads and I find myself becoming depressed again. I can't wait to get going again.
But above all, I just enjoy it. I know I'm not that fast, I know my bikes are all built on the cheap out of bits and pieces, I know "serious" cyclists probably laugh at me but I enjoy myself so anyone else can F*** off.
The thing is, you ride a bike for your own benefit and enjoyment - not anyone else's - so enjoy it the way you like. I wouldn't worry about the "serious" cyclists, a 4 year old can ride a bike so what they have to brag about I'm not sure

I feel chirpier with cycling aswell.