What motivates you?

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Well-Known Member
Just curious what motivates people on weight loss.

I started cycling for health reasons, and it certainly has helped with the back problem, I feel fitter but have not lost any weight, currently about 20st. I don't drink or smoke, but food is a weakness.

I know I can do something about it this year, as starting cycling at the back end of last summer has proven to me that I can do the exercise, I just need to tie it up with sensible eating now.

It's not really a question of what to eat, more about resisting the urge to eat the junk (choccy and biscuits mostly) ;)

I feel inspired by what some of you have achieved, but seem unable to motivate myself into doing something about it.

So what motivates you? do you look at it week by week or more long term?



Active Member
What motivates me to cycle;

That fact that I do not have the expense of running a car.

My commute time is my gym time.

I feel fresh after my ride into work

I feel de-stressed after my ride home from work

I keep the most important muscle in my body healthy (My heart)

I am I twice as fit as people 1/2 my age.

People come on holiday to cycle my commute route.

Cycling balances the negative effect to my carbon foot on my swimming.

I am third oldest at my work place of 35 employees and the only regular commuting cyclist

Cycle to work scheme, less of my pay goes back to the government

I do not have to scrape the ice of my bike in the mornings


I think it's what you eat that counts not how much
Good luck

Bill Gates

West Sussex
rh100 said:
Just curious what motivates people on weight loss.

I started cycling for health reasons, and it certainly has helped with the back problem, I feel fitter but have not lost any weight, currently about 20st. I don't drink or smoke, but food is a weakness.

I know I can do something about it this year, as starting cycling at the back end of last summer has proven to me that I can do the exercise, I just need to tie it up with sensible eating now.

It's not really a question of what to eat, more about resisting the urge to eat the junk (choccy and biscuits mostly) :smile:

I feel inspired by what some of you have achieved, but seem unable to motivate myself into doing something about it.

So what motivates you? do you look at it week by week or more long term?


Hi Rich

FWIW this would be my approach.

If you are 20 stones then your motivation must be your future health. To get started there has to be a tipping point; a time when you say to yourself enough is enough. It's getting started that is the first step on the road to where you want to be. Allow for setbacks, because there will be some and if you slip back a bit and get a downer on yourself the whole thing could unravel.

1. Stop buying junk food. If it's not there you can't eat it.

2. Have a good low GI breakfast every morning - e.g. porridge

3. Eliminate bread and potatoes and avoid too much pasta from your diet and replace with oatmeal biscuits, and rice

4. Snack on apples, they fill you up.

5. Don't drink alcohol ar fizzy drinks. Lots of tea and coffee are OK(IMO)

6. Draw up a 2 weekly graph with your starting weight on the first day and then put your target weight on the 14th day. Draw a line joining the 2 dots and then daily (without fail) measure your progress joing up the dots for your actual weight.

7.Reward yourself with something you like if you are doing well.

8. 30 minutes aerobic minimum a day. Get a turbo if the weather is awful.

Good Luck


New Member
The fabulously beautiful town of Solihull is now so worried about the cumulative erosion by overweight cyclists that any net imbalance between the amount you eat and the amount you excrete when leaving Solihull is surgically removed from you body weight when you leave: so every time you go to the lavatory there it is vitally important to get a receipt.


Good post by Bill Awfull by Jimbo you wont get any sympathy from him.:smile:

As I see it losing weight is Probably similar to training in respect of having a plan with a long term goal. Then have short term goals along the way. If you dont have these you may get a little disheartened as your long term goal might seem unattainable at times.

Do you tend to have 3 regular meals a day and then snack in between?


New Member
lukesdad said:
Good post by Bill Awfull by Jimbo you wont get any sympathy from him.:smile:

As I see it losing weight is Probably similar to training in respect of having a plan with a long term goal. Then have short term goals along the way. If you dont have these you may get a little disheartened as your long term goal might seem unattainable at times.

Do you tend to have 3 regular meals a day and then snack in between?

Yes. Bill's is a good post and mine is awful.

With reference to Bill's note 3; I exchanged bread and spuds with Lettuce leaves, diced cucumber and diced tomatos.

I try to steer clear of any food which is made from the seeds of a cultivated grass.

With reference to Bill's note 6; daily weighs and skinfold pinches are NOT a sin. What must be remembered is weight fluctuates with eating and lavatory; and skinfold pinches slowly react to eating and exercise over two days or so.


Thats better Jimbo. See you can do it when you try really hard.:smile:

Still can t understand why you didn t win post of the year. Maybe due to little lapses like this one.:laugh:


I am truly suffering. The snow and ice combined with the food and alcohol fest has pushed my weight to an uncomfortable level. I have put on 11lbs in 4 weeks !!!

So, my motivation - I cannot / do not want to afford new clothes. I have a perfectly good wardrobe and I will get my body into. In addition, I like being relatively fit.


Well-Known Member
B-B-BikeyStrike! said:

If that's what works for you then great :biggrin:

Bay Runner said:
What motivates me to cycle;
I think it's what you eat that counts not how much
Good luck

I'm ok getting going cycling - I share a lot of your views re cost etc. And I agree, it must be what, not how much food.

Bill Gates said:
Hi Rich

FWIW this would be my approach.

If you are 20 stones then your motivation must be your future health. To get started there has to be a tipping point; a time when you say to yourself enough is enough. It's getting started that is the first step on the road to where you want to be. Allow for setbacks, because there will be some and if you slip back a bit and get a downer on yourself the whole thing could unravel.

1. Stop buying junk food. If it's not there you can't eat it.

2. Have a good low GI breakfast every morning - e.g. porridge

3. Eliminate bread and potatoes and avoid too much pasta from your diet and replace with oatmeal biscuits, and rice

4. Snack on apples, they fill you up.

5. Don't drink alcohol ar fizzy drinks. Lots of tea and coffee are OK(IMO)

6. Draw up a 2 weekly graph with your starting weight on the first day and then put your target weight on the 14th day. Draw a line joining the 2 dots and then daily (without fail) measure your progress joing up the dots for your actual weight.

7.Reward yourself with something you like if you are doing well.

8. 30 minutes aerobic minimum a day. Get a turbo if the weather is awful.

Good Luck

Some excellent points there - thanks. I think i've reached that point now - the weight gain was a very slow increase, but it needs to turn around now :biggrin:

jimboalee said:
All my jerseys are Medium size and I am NOT, repeat NOT going to EVER buy Large size.

A very good point - nothing more depressing finding out you can't get into regular clothes.

jimboalee said:
The fabulously beautiful town of Solihull is now so worried about the cumulative erosion by overweight cyclists that any net imbalance between the amount you eat and the amount you excrete when leaving Solihull is surgically removed from you body weight when you leave: so every time you go to the lavatory there it is vitally important to get a receipt.


lukesdad said:
Good post by Bill Awfull by Jimbo you wont get any sympathy from him.;) Didn't expect any :smile:

As I see it losing weight is Probably similar to training in respect of having a plan with a long term goal. Then have short term goals along the way. If you dont have these you may get a little disheartened as your long term goal might seem unattainable at times.

Do you tend to have 3 regular meals a day and then snack in between?

I don't have breakfast regularly, in the week I usually have a sandwich at lunch - may change this in light of Bills post above. I do snack a lot - biscuits and especially chocolate over the holiday.

gavintc said:
I am truly suffering. The snow and ice combined with the food and alcohol fest has pushed my weight to an uncomfortable level. I have put on 11lbs in 4 weeks !!!

So, my motivation - I cannot / do not want to afford new clothes. I have a perfectly good wardrobe and I will get my body into. In addition, I like being relatively fit.

Aside from health, I think this a real reason not to put on weight! The weather has put a stop to my cycling - can't wait to get going again.

Thanks for all the info. I have the last can of coke from the house with me - will make it the last. Will go shopping tonight and find different ideas for lunch, I don't mind salads.


Well-Known Member
B-B-BikeyStrike! said:

If that's what works for you then great :biggrin:

Bay Runner said:
What motivates me to cycle;
I think it's what you eat that counts not how much
Good luck

I'm ok getting going cycling - I share a lot of your views re cost etc. And I agree, it must be what, not how much food.

Bill Gates said:
Hi Rich

FWIW this would be my approach.

If you are 20 stones then your motivation must be your future health. To get started there has to be a tipping point; a time when you say to yourself enough is enough. It's getting started that is the first step on the road to where you want to be. Allow for setbacks, because there will be some and if you slip back a bit and get a downer on yourself the whole thing could unravel.

1. Stop buying junk food. If it's not there you can't eat it.

2. Have a good low GI breakfast every morning - e.g. porridge

3. Eliminate bread and potatoes and avoid too much pasta from your diet and replace with oatmeal biscuits, and rice

4. Snack on apples, they fill you up.

5. Don't drink alcohol ar fizzy drinks. Lots of tea and coffee are OK(IMO)

6. Draw up a 2 weekly graph with your starting weight on the first day and then put your target weight on the 14th day. Draw a line joining the 2 dots and then daily (without fail) measure your progress joing up the dots for your actual weight.

7.Reward yourself with something you like if you are doing well.

8. 30 minutes aerobic minimum a day. Get a turbo if the weather is awful.

Good Luck

Some excellent points there - thanks. I think i've reached that point now - the weight gain was a very slow increase, but it needs to turn around now :biggrin:

jimboalee said:
All my jerseys are Medium size and I am NOT, repeat NOT going to EVER buy Large size.

A very good point - nothing more depressing finding out you can't get into regular clothes.

jimboalee said:
The fabulously beautiful town of Solihull is now so worried about the cumulative erosion by overweight cyclists that any net imbalance between the amount you eat and the amount you excrete when leaving Solihull is surgically removed from you body weight when you leave: so every time you go to the lavatory there it is vitally important to get a receipt.


lukesdad said:
Good post by Bill Awfull by Jimbo you wont get any sympathy from him.;) Didn't expect any :smile:

As I see it losing weight is Probably similar to training in respect of having a plan with a long term goal. Then have short term goals along the way. If you dont have these you may get a little disheartened as your long term goal might seem unattainable at times.

Do you tend to have 3 regular meals a day and then snack in between?

I don't have breakfast regularly, in the week I usually have a sandwich at lunch - may change this in light of Bills post above. I do snack a lot - biscuits and especially chocolate over the holiday.

gavintc said:
I am truly suffering. The snow and ice combined with the food and alcohol fest has pushed my weight to an uncomfortable level. I have put on 11lbs in 4 weeks !!!

So, my motivation - I cannot / do not want to afford new clothes. I have a perfectly good wardrobe and I will get my body into. In addition, I like being relatively fit.

Aside from health, I think this a real reason not to put on weight! The weather has put a stop to my cycling - can't wait to get going again.

Thanks for all the info. I have the last can of coke from the house with me - will make it the last. Will go shopping tonight and find different ideas for lunch, I don't mind salads.


Legendary Member
I started to continue my weight loss programme. Hasn't really helped that tbh (I've gradually gone back to my old dietry habits). I do feel much fitter which is nice but I have found a pleasant surprise. I was always prone to low mood and bouts of depression. Since i started cycling on a regular basis, I don't seem to have this low mood problem. I haven't been able to cycle for about three weeks now owing to about three inches of solid ice on the local roads and I find myself becoming depressed again. I can't wait to get going again.

But above all, I just enjoy it. I know I'm not that fast, I know my bikes are all built on the cheap out of bits and pieces, I know "serious" cyclists probably laugh at me but I enjoy myself so anyone else can F*** off.


Legendary Member
I started to continue my weight loss programme. Hasn't really helped that tbh (I've gradually gone back to my old dietry habits). I do feel much fitter which is nice but I have found a pleasant surprise. I was always prone to low mood and bouts of depression. Since i started cycling on a regular basis, I don't seem to have this low mood problem. I haven't been able to cycle for about three weeks now owing to about three inches of solid ice on the local roads and I find myself becoming depressed again. I can't wait to get going again.

But above all, I just enjoy it. I know I'm not that fast, I know my bikes are all built on the cheap out of bits and pieces, I know "serious" cyclists probably laugh at me but I enjoy myself so anyone else can F*** off.


Well-Known Member
tyred said:
I started to continue my weight loss programme. Hasn't really helped that tbh (I've gradually gone back to my old dietry habits). I do feel much fitter which is nice but I have found a pleasant surprise. I was always prone to low mood and bouts of depression. Since i started cycling on a regular basis, I don't seem to have this low mood problem. I haven't been able to cycle for about three weeks now owing to about three inches of solid ice on the local roads and I find myself becoming depressed again. I can't wait to get going again.

But above all, I just enjoy it. I know I'm not that fast, I know my bikes are all built on the cheap out of bits and pieces, I know "serious" cyclists probably laugh at me but I enjoy myself so anyone else can F*** off.

The thing is, you ride a bike for your own benefit and enjoyment - not anyone else's - so enjoy it the way you like. I wouldn't worry about the "serious" cyclists, a 4 year old can ride a bike so what they have to brag about I'm not sure ;)

I feel chirpier with cycling aswell.
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