What kit should I carry in my bag?

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Oaf on a Bike
I think those are the main bits - repair kit, levers, pump, tube, multitool, as long as the multitool covers all the fittings on your bike. Chainbreaker (on some multitools and powerlink perhaps. Hand wipes/latex gloves so you dont end up getting oil allover your face/clothes/grips etc. I like Lezyne pumps, multitools and repair kits, but they are a bit pricey, Topeak are always well rated on here too. :smile:


I have been looking at topeak mutli tools and pedros tyre levers, but atm I just have a cheap p/repair kit & spare inner tube from poundland and a switchable screwdriver. Oh and this probs a daft qestion but How do i check that the multi tool will fit my bike


Baldy Go
I try to carry in my saddle 'wedge'.........tiny emergency led lights, better-than-nothing cable lock, multi-tool/tyre levers, tube, chain connector, small patch kit. An M4 and m5 bolt or two. A crispy bank-note and a signed picture of Anne Widdecombe.

I have a tool'n'tube bottle canister with a scrunched up yellow water proof in it and a frame mounted pump. My cycle jersey pocket has a tiny pack-away rucsuc in it with my keys, mobile and wallet if I have no other pockets available.

Job Done I reckon. My 'saddle-pack is a Carradice 'carradura' wedge.

Anything more than this then I sling an mtb rucsuck over my shoulder. But prefer not to.




Well-Known Member
Tyne & Wear
a mobile phone

the rules of the world are that shoot will happen in the cold, dark and wet (like it did to me last night) when you dont want to be doing roadside repairs.

Call the good lady and get picked up, fix it in the garage with a beer


Thanks a always carry my phone with me. A desided on getting a topeak heuxs 2 multi tool and some pedro tyre levers. But i dunno if I should be looking for a better spare inner tube and p/repair kit? Cos they were only a £1 each from poundland so theres got to be better qautliy stuff for a little bit more money, anyone want to tell me want they use?

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
For the sake of a few pounds and a little peace of mind, I buy branded tubes, usually Schwalbe in the case of the Brompton.

I carry a pack of 'glueless' patches, not used any yet, but people on here say they do the job.

Park Tools are a known brand, and for the OP, there's an Evans at the MetroCentre:



Legendary Member
It all depends how far your off the beaten track, if your near wife, transport, ect to get you home you don't need very much kit, but out on country lanes away from towns and no transport I carry all this, yes it seems a lot, but I have used all of these not only for me, but to get other cyclists home that carry nothing. :wacko:
1 P*ncture repair kit
1 allan keys
1 set of tyre levers + 2 spare
3 inner tubes
Folding tyre
Tyre patches
1 small head torch in winter
marigold gloves
Small length of chain (3 inches)
1 small chain tool
Cassette tool and chain whip
Spare spokes
Kevlar spoke
Spare nuts, bolts, powerlinks
Wire cutters
2 small screw drivers
Small sockets to fit screw driver handle
First aid kit with triangular bandage paracetamol, co-codamol, gaviscon tablets
Batteries for rear light and computer and bulbs
Small tyre pump (not mini)
1 Co2 pump
Zip ties
spare keys for house, bike locks
Pen and paper
10 sheets of kitchen roll
Very small bottle of hand cleaner
Insulation tape
£5 in small change
Small roll of gaffer tape
Brake and gear cables
Spare bite valve for camalbac
Small roll string
Spare gloves


Über Member
I have got this toepeak saddle bag/tool kit combo.

It comes with most tools you need plus an expandable pocket for all your other stuff.

Also included is a waterproof cover which I have used all the time so far.

I bet 90% plus of all cycle failures are due to punctures so I have found from experience it is far better to have a tube and levers in your pocket together with a pump attached to your bike, than to cram it all into a small bag. It takes longer to unpack/repack the bag than fix the puncture.

Not seen mentioned, I always carry a pack of handy andies with me never needed them yet but on a long ride it is better to be prepared;)

Biker Joe

Über Member
Anybody remember the old type saddle bags made of leather?
You could get a small camping gas cooker ,tea coffee, soup, etc, etc. in one of those. :laugh:
Wouldn't one of those look good on a modern road bike.:eek:


Baldy Go
Hi Biker Joe,

I am of a 'certain age' that remember proper saddle bags fondly.

Carradice still hand-make just about any size canvas/leather saddle bag you could wish for, complete with any sort of adaptor you could need to attach it to a 'modern' saddle.

I am sorely tempted!

And yes...I've seen pictures of these attached to thoroughly state of the art road bikes and they look cool!

In fact.....I asked my wif for one this Christmas........but Carradice manufacture these things rather slowly and nowhere had stock of the one I wanted at the time.
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