Woke is an opportunity for lefties to express outrage at otherwise inconsequential matters that no one else previously gave a sheet about.
Or for us to point out injustices that previously no one gave a shoot about.
Without 'woke' ppl - (the term is new the concept isn't) - we would still have slavery,
disenfranchised women, and working class men.
We'd still have laws against homosexuality,
we'd still have signs in windows saying "no
blacks no Irish"
we'd have husbands 'owning' their wives property, and their children.
We'd have ppl flogged for adultery.
We'd have men beating their wives, with relative impunity, but no women's refuges.
We'd have unregulated pesticide use, poisoning our wildlife.
We would still be going round the globe colonising, other peoples lands and resources.
We'd still have children sent up chimneys.
Basically nothing would have changed for the better.
The more powerful, and the more violent, would have carte blanch, to behave however they liked, through the operation of 'might is right' And no one would call them to account.
Of course bad shoot still does happen, here and abroad.
But thankfully some of us do give a shoot about that, do what we can to draw attention to it, and help where we can as well.