Looking back, I've been a go with the flow kind of person, never really pushed myself but at 40 a career change meant I had to push myself incredibly hard and within maybe 3 years was travelling to countries like Cyprus, Egypt, Spain, Urugauy...some of them twice a year, something I could never have believed a few years earlier. Hard at first but very worthwhile experiences you began to look forward to.
Spending as much time as I could with the kids when they were young and I'm proud when they still tell us how much they enjoyed those touring caravan holidays, simple, cheap(ish) and very memorable.
Looking forward, seeing our 14 yo granddaughter blossoming, shes going to inherit the world so's to speak, she is Incredible. Our family is very stable, perhaps that's given her a solid base to work from.
If it wasnt obvious, my proudest moments are mostly family related.