If you sell it, you'll get financial benefit. If you need that money, like really need it, then perhaps you should sell it. But if the money you get for it will just get absorbed in daily expenditure, then I would say that bike has more intrinsic value to you than the financial benefit. A bike, a ride, makes you happy. From that happines eminates many other things of fortune. It will put a smile on your face, which could make others around you happy. When they are happy, if there is a small bit of bad luck looming around the corner, it'll make everyone deal with it more easily.
I/we don't know your financial situation; only you do and only you know how long the money will last for which you sell the bike. At the same time, if you don't sell the bike, that may play on your mind too but I have a feeling the bike is still worth more than that.
That bike feeds your soul. And if you don't look after your soul, who will?