I commute once or twice a week (54km round trip), ride most sundays between 60 and 70 km with occasional 100km rides and nip to the shops on occasion. I have a road bike, a hybrid and a mountain bike. I have lycra and baggies. I am also 17.5 stone and 5'11, ex rugby and judo player so don't always feel like a real cyclist. What is a real cyclist?, is it the lycra clad road warrior, the year-round commuter, the families enjoying a ride on the tow path? Is a 'real' cyclist aware of the environment or health or is it just some thing they do without thinking?
To friends and coworkers I am a real cyclist, to other cyclist, who knows or indeed cares. To myself, I'll get away with it while I can!
Just thought I would gauge other peoples thoughts on what is a 'real' cyclist