Sorry just got onto pc, and have seen all your comments and all duly noted , positive as well as some not so, I want initially to be able to go from home to local town centre just to get me used to being around these mad road users, then as time goes on maybe a little further using the canal paths maybe. Not sure I am really up for the tougher stuff like proper off road and up down hills lol, Col I initially posted this in cycle chat but the nice man Shaun migrated me to hear for beginners are there were a couple in there not very nice and certainly not very helpful.
statistically and in reality
this is far from the truth, but if this is the perception you have of other road users then it will taint your feelings towards getting back into cycling and you'll be onto a loser before you even start. It's human nature to remember the 1 dodgy pass in a rush hour commute and not the 9,999 vehicles that passed you without you even blinking an eye and to report it here etc. Also the local media aren't going to get many sales running a story that Shouldbeinbed rides home perfectly safely for the 675th day running.
by all means as a returnee to riding, exercise caution and it will take you a wee bit of time to build up your confidence and experience, but please do not believe the hype and natural moaners instinct that the roads are terrifying places full of ranting homicidal bike hating lunatics.
as for a bike, depending on what you envisage you will do with it, as others have said a Hybrid, or a dutch bike, (u shape frame that you can step through - Edinburgh Bikes Revolution Heritage type thing) its a very stable and quite sedate bike type, great for a beginner