What I.D, do you carry

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Sunny Suffolk
RoadID bracelet thingy. Name, address, wifey phone number and home phone number.


I just carry a cheap tesco phone, it's got my home contacts in assuming it survives any accident. I've no significant allergies, rare blood or special requirements. As long as the ambulance picks me up, I don't need to worry what my name is.


Über Member
I just carry a cheap tesco phone, it's got my home contacts in assuming it survives any accident. I've no significant allergies, rare blood or special requirements. As long as the ambulance picks me up, I don't need to worry what my name is.
None.Dont take a phone either,sort of defeats the object.


Bird Saviour
i recently put an app on my phone called "Emergency Kit" which displays my next of kin's numbers on my lock screen. its pretty useful.


Fixed wheel fanatic.
I've just bought some dog tags off ebay. My name and address and phone plus wifeys number.
I had an ICE number in my phone but figured if I had a 'bad one' my phone might not be in one piece.


None.Dont take a phone either,sort of defeats the object.
I carry the phone to call the ambulance! I'd never answer it, though this is no different off the bike :smile:


Well-Known Member
Tyne & Wear
recent versions of android let you put a message on the lock screen, mine has my name and my wifes name as an emergency contact with her mobile numer


North Carolina
I carry an old student id ( no it is not from the 1970's, I took some classes this century :tongue:) in the saddle bag on one bike and an old expired drivers license in the saddle bag of another bike I ride a lot.
Pointless me putting I.C.E. in my phone as its a company phone and requires a pass-code.

The reason why ICE on a phone is useless..

1. Phones are not identifiable;e as an individual's property and there is a good chance of informing the wrong people
2. Phones do not always stay with the person
3. Most phones have a a locking system that prevents random persons accessing
4. Each operating system and manufacturer has a different way of storing and accessing contacts, so it may not be easily apparent
5. The phone may become damaged, or run out of charge
6. The information is not something that Medics look for, it is at the Hospital stage that this becomes useful.

By all means use ICE, but do not do tis at the expense of practical or working solutions
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