What have you got in the loft?

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Heavy Metal Fan
For the first time in my life, my loft is totally empty apart from the boiler and the TV aerial. It's a really nice thought and sort of reflects how I want my life and headspace to be at the moment!


Leg End Member
For the first time in my life, my loft is totally empty apart from the boiler and the TV aerial. It's a really nice thought and sort of reflects how I want my life and headspace to be at the moment!


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
Where's the hoist!
Oh well, if you insist of some hardcore gadget porn, here's a panoramic shot from the same camera position. Everything goes a bit "banana" in the middle of the picture.


We all scream for ice cream
Christmas decks and suitcases.
Plus loads of old rubbish.

Soon it will be filled with presents hidden up there so the kids don’t find them.

Exactly the same as me.

We did have an unknown mouse problem at a previous address, which made for many cursing words one Christmas Eve.
We often find a cat in ours! :eek:


I boarded my loft when my wife sold her house and moved into my / our house..
it was heaving up their.
new roof and big extension in 08 and i just about cleared it.
now its xmas decs a few odds and ends and my golf stuff, £1500 quids worth!! I need to make a decision :laugh:

The access is poor in that its a small opening, but i was always shocked at how much stuff got stashed up their.

I'm thinking multi million pound weed farm ? And retire :whistle:


Started young, and still going.
Far too much junk, along with my train set from my childhood, and all my albums and singles.


Loads of car bits and tat in ours, have to venture up for the xmas tree later on!.

Been considering a loft conversion but just the thought of emptying it all out is enough to put me off!.


Been considering a loft conversion but just the thought of emptying it all out is enough to put me off!.
Apart from the stuff you need like suitcases, our loft is crammed with 'stuff' I don't actually need but can't bring myself to get rid of - old darkroom gear and the like ('You never know...and since we have the space...') But it has occurred to me more than once that apart from the old photos, there's probably nothing in there I'd actually miss if the loft-clear fairy dumped the whole lot in a skip. (I haven't even looked at the photos in a decade!)
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