My old Trek 7100fx has languished in a state of semi repair all w.inter in the shed. Prior to that it was in a sorry state, borrowed and abused by me and my son, a commuter in fowl weather,, a bike to just ride.
I'd already serviced the hubs on the cheap wheels, sprayed black to tidy them up, replacement saddle and post fitted.
I sense my son is going to need it again, he' talking about buying a new bike but it seems a shame while this one could be made ok with a bit of work, I'm not going to use it again. Hes no good with bikes so, buy some slime to put in the tubes. 1st one went ok with presta valve, core out, slime in etc etc, no problem.
Second tube was dead so root around, all I can find was a Schrader valves tube so root around again and find a spare wheel that'l take that tube. Quick service and grease the hub, fit slimed tube and tyre, all good.
Test ride, gears are hopeless, Home, tighten cable to realise the adjuster on the RD is just flopping around, it seems the thread in the RD is damaged and the adjuster won't thread in, so screw a bolt in from the other side to clean thread, this worked, adjuster now adjusts. Tighten cable, test ride...hopeless.
Inspect already very old cable, it's rusty and sticking in the outer. Root around and find a stainless inner I had I my parts box, fit, adjust and working much better, still needs some fiddling.
Front derailleur not working right, adjusted, need more tinkering with the gears to fine tune them.
To be continued today if I can be bothered.