Yesterday re-adjusted and torqued the fork bung on the Helium.
Currently fettling some
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The bottle was blocked by something but i gave it twist and its now fixed and flowing smoothly like water.
@Oldfentiger met me in Todmorden to give me his old Garmin eTrex Legend HCx. In its day (8-10 years ago) that was a top GPS. This one is generally in very good condition but Oldfen had left it in a drawer for years with batteries in. The batteries had leaked and corrosive battery chemicals had damaged the battery compartment. It seemed a shame to chuck out the GPS but not worth paying a shop to fix it, so Phil donated it to me to see if I can revive it. I am using an even older and less powerful eTrex so if I can get this one working it would be a significant upgrade for me.
So, here you go ...
Garmin eTrex Legend HCx fettling, part #1
This is the device I am talking about:
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I thought that I might be able to get away with cleaning the battery contacts, or maybe wedging in some folded up pieces of cooking foil to make a better contact. That didn't work ... It wasn't long before one of the battery contacts fell off. The corrosion had obviously trashed it. I needed to dismantle the device ...
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You can see the disintegrated battery contact.
In this picture you can see that the contact is no longer there ...
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When I had a look inside the case I discovered that one of the internal power wiper contacts had gone. You can see two metal pads on the printed circuit board, There are supposed to be flexible metal wipers feeding power from the batteries to those pads. Wiper #1 and pad #1 are fine. Wiper #2 has vanished and pad #2 was corroded.
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I have cleaned up pad #2 and will solder a wire onto that to connect to a new spring battery contact. I'll have a think about what to use for the replacement contact. I could use part of the old contact but I think I might improvise one using something else.
I'll report back when I have replaced the contact. If it works then I will need to get some double-sided adhesive tape to seal the sides of the GPS and attach its rubber surround.
Watch this space ...
PS Thanks for the GPS, Oldfen!![]()
I used multicore cable because it is more flexible. I had 2 goes at it this evening. The first one failed - the wire pulled off the pad when I closed the case. I tried again and ...I might just use thin single-core cable, strip a length of it and wind that into a coil to form a contact. The batteries are a tight fit so the negative end of the battery should wedge that coil of wire against the end of the compartment ... That is an easy thing to try. If it works, fine. If not, I will have to come up with something more sophisticated