After the rest is done I guessor it will be
I adjusted the gears on my wife's MTB this afternoon.
This was achieved using:
A thumb and opposable finger (thank heavens for evolution)
I fettled a banana out of the bottom of my pannier that had turned to banana slurry.
Adventure Ladies MTB delivered 12:00 by courier.
Made mug of tea.
Removed bike from box - wife injured herself on large staple holding box together
Comforted wife.
Removed wrapping from bike (lots of corrogated cardboard and polythene).
Mounted handlebars on bike using various allen keys.
Attached pedals to bike using supplied spanner.
Checked brakes (very good).
Mounted bike on work stand.
Checked all gears (21) - all worked - minor adjustment to cable required.
Pumped up tyres to 60psi.
Finished tea.