What happened to global warming then?

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Well, basically he's admitted that his allegation is just his personal opinion and that he can't actually provide any supporting evidence for it. So no new ball in play here, no swotting needed.

That is soooooo lame.


How is it new? This is the reading I have been asking them to do from the start.

And what did we read? "I don't think there is anything dishonest about it or anything like that,"

You ask if I want to be Mann's defence, well so far you are doing a fine job of it yourself.


And what did we read? "I don't think there is anything dishonest about it or anything like that,"

You ask if I want to be Mann's defence, well so far you are doing a fine job of it yourself.
Well, quite. It's curious that vamP doesn't think we read his material: even a cursory glance provides all the evidence necessary to refute his rather silly allegation.


So the fact that Mann applied a statistical treatment to his data which had the effect of introducing a hockey stick shape in 50 randomised data sequences with no discernible signal doesn't give any of you pause for thought? How curious.

I guess that's settled then.


I'm still trying to figure out if VamP agrees with the notion that Anthropogenic climate change is an inevitability or not :wacko:

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Hey VamP, good debate - keep up the good work.

You don't need to thank me but I've got a new sig line for you...


"Mann, the f*** up"

Waddya think?


It all started when FM pointed me to Real Climate (Mann's website) and suggested that I brush up my reading. I retorted, as a throw away line, that I had no time for Mann as he was a liar and cheat, and then the other two piled on.

The argument is not about climate change, it's about the specifics of one climate scientist, and his way of going about things. Ironically, despite jonesy's and User482's outrage at the way that I have been dismissive of Mann's science, they have resisted my invitation to debate the science, preferring to snipe from a distance because a ''cursory glance'' is enough to *know* that my allegations are ''silly''.

If I understand correctly, they *know* this, because I am a ''poor contrarian troll''.


It all started when FM pointed me to Real Climate (Mann's website) and suggested that I brush up my reading. I retorted, as a throw away line, that I had no time for Mann as he was a liar and cheat, and then the other two piled on.

The argument is not about climate change, it's about the specifics of one climate scientist, and his way of going about things. Ironically, despite jonesy's and User482's outrage at the way that I have been dismissive of Mann's science, they have resisted my invitation to debate the science, preferring to snipe from a distance because a ''cursory glance'' is enough to *know* that my allegations are ''silly''.

If I understand correctly, they *know* this, because I am a ''poor contrarian troll''.

I can fully empathise with your position - if you agree, then you are wrong, and if you disagree....you are still wrong. Seeing as two wrongs don't make a right, you have to be right - right :wacko:


And what did we read? "I don't think there is anything dishonest about it or anything like that,"

You ask if I want to be Mann's defence, well so far you are doing a fine job of it yourself.

You really struggle with interpreting information don't you? Picture the scene: AR3 has just been published, resting squarely on MBH99 version of the MBH98 hockeystick. Dr. North, a natural ally of Mann, is speaking under oath before the US Congress, presenting a report that effectivelly says that the way Mann made his hockey stick could have been applied to the price of fish, and also given a hockey stick. He knows if he accuses Mann of cheating, then IPCC will suffer a serious set-back. So he draws the veil, by pointing out that other research has arrived at similar conclusions, and then he says ''It's not how I would have done it. I don't think there is anything dishonest about it or anything like that.'' He is damning Mann with faint praise. You can practically smell his embarassment and discomfort.
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